Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I don’t think PP implied TJ bragging but GPA/MCAT bragging from BU. my recollection about TJ is that it’s as brutal as traditional path MD and all bird batch should avoid it :slight_smile:

I know you bragged about it being #1 and came back with a friendly jab :wink:

Lol no one wants to be reminded of Virus right now…

@srk2017 - still I did not brag. If you remember, I brought it up only after someone talked about it.
I am always friendly unlike some hostile members here!

Of course not! That’s why it’s a friendly reminder to be friendly! We come here for suggestions. Let’s be nice! Especially after kids have gone through a rough year!
Let’s have some empathy!

I know, anyway bragging about a school is not a bad thing :slight_smile: Even bragging about a kid is also not bad as long as you are honest and talk about both strengths and weaknesses.

How is that undermining anyone achievements?

Loving foreign stuffs ( thats why British made a fool of us by their Imperial Cocktail G+T!) and bragging is in Indian genes- Kya Karein- We all do and blaming others is pointless!!!

@compengineer1 - here you go. Here is your answer!

Long time lurker here, kid is next cycle applicant. I see few posts about consultants. Who are those?

Bragging is in every genes but most of us doesn’t know how to do it properly :slight_smile: I have seen people writing essays about their kids on social media while hiding the struggles and weaknesses. I am not good at writing so I only post any of my S’s achievements as news with no commentary added :slight_smile:

you have perfect timing (with id and post) :slight_smile: tough to get into BSMD without bragging though :wink:

Evryone does brag and that what colleges want to see as well. If you don’t brag, they don’t know the details.

Also FYI - non-Indians do brag!

So true! I think my child’s essay did not portray enough becos she did not brag!!

Your characterization certainly apply to one dimensional BS/MD cheerleaders.

Sure. Thank you for you opinion!


Keep it warm till May 1st :slight_smile:

Did your D decide on college or still brainstorming?

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French who in my opinion enjoy the life most ( avg. life is 85 versus 75 for Americans vs. 65 for Indians) can bore you to death in telling you how great they were in history ( like Indians or British!).

They brag everyday and love talking. They dont pay a dime to go to gym or do yoga - they talk, have fun, eat junk, dont go to gym and have tonnes of wine and cheese!! The dinner is 3 hour and breakfast 1 hr.

They have more social equal society with doctors/engineers not making much more than teachers. They work hard during work and are proud of their country- education ( MD or PhD is free so is health etc.). A doctor visit was $15 ( less than my copayment) and doctors also love talking.

I can go on and on…

Bottomline they enjoy life and love talking!!!

Think we Indians also enjoy but are always worried about others etc. that activates wrong hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine etc.!! Need happy hormormes to be more happy to supress stress hormomes!!!


D day is coming- She remains firm in decision while I keep on talking!!! Another week and it will be formal.

She has no worry but think I need to check the bank account!!!


Thats known as style- Americans have perfected it!!

Read home page of any school - If you come from another planet and read those buzz words as “transormative breakthrough” research by community college, you will join instantaneously although there are brilliant people there as well.

Folks in this group also perhaps have perfected - It is relative as per Einstein principle!!