Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Spoke with several MD students, undergraduate school (T20s) doesn’t necessarily give you an edge when applying to medical schools. Several Ivy undergrads ended up pursuing MD at low-tier medical schools for unknown reasons. Came across some at CNU medical school. One Stony Brook Medical student (BSMD path) said she met HS classmates again in the same medical school after they took the Ivy route.


Nothing is 100% guaranteed but you put in the work you will succeed. There always a reason for failure.

Just curious, what’s the avg success rate for T20 premed undergrads matriculate to T20 medical schools? Medical schools widely publish their residency match lists, but not their MS1/M1 intake list. Thanks.

Not every school publishes but here is Vandy info. Due to cost lot of students pick instate medical schools over T20 medical schools. Even the most expensive in-state schools seems to be 25k/yr cheaper than private medical schools.


Spill some beans here if you can, how did he find 75 professors contact info?

Reminds me Rick Singer !

Agree on that ORM are all about Dr, Engr, Business. Chicago Bears hired a coach of Indian origin, 1st of that nature in NFL, I believe link was posted last year when it happened.

Not difficult, you can find on any university website. My DS sent contacted 20+ professors and 4 or 5 responded. key is you can’t sent a generic email saying I wanted to do research, but you need to preliminary research about the lab’s research and come up with a reason to why you want to do it. Otherwise professors get probably few hundred emails each year from HS students and UG students. very few wants to take HS students.

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That happens, but majority do end up with inbreeding among top schools. When it comes to lower tier UG that ratio is simply flipped, i.e. some goes to top SOMs but rest ends up with low tier SOMs.
The point is not to discard anyone hard work, which always pays off irrespective of path, college one chooses.

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“Majority” seems highly unlikely based on the Vandy numbers as Vandy’s students are similar caliber to Ivy students. And what the numbers show is that most do not end up at top med schools. As is actually typical despite what some think about Ivy magic, the cream rises to the top and grabs the top spots. Everyone else fights for the scraps and name simply doesn’t matter.

Yeah it a took a while- the emails were a 2 day project involving multiple screens and a long list.

It’s A LOT of work without connections LOL. I spent a ton of time helping him, it was almost another full time job.

Agree it’s not majority even at T10 and if you don’t have stats name doesn’t help, except Ivies seems to give some margin (may be 0.2 with GPA and 3-5 points with MCAT).

Also not every one that gets into T10 or T20 has rigorous academic background and I noticed those who came with rigorous HS experience seems to be the cream.

It is the same trend everywhere- Top IIT go to Caltech/MIT/Stanford etc. with full ride with lower ranker like me go to UT-Austin etc. with full ride.

Similarily I know tonnes of MIT/Stanford/Harvard UG going to PhD in T5 to T10 schools. For faculty, the only thing matters is name of top school for top faculty.

Bashing top school is meaningless- They are top for a reason and kids also are topnotch- I would be anyday average at IIT or MIT compared to top at state engineering college in India or top at SBU, although top at SBU may be able to get a full ride at MIT for PhD. But you do UG only once!

That said, in US finances can change the equation as many top state schools like GT, Austin ( 1-yr only), Berkeley etc. give full ride to Valedictorians to take them away from Stanfords - Many take the ride and many dont. UCLA gave us 25K to make it instate whereas UCB none!!

In India, coincidently, IITs were the chepeast when I was there - Not sure now!

Again, bottomline, everyone has his/her own path and needs to be happy with it.

Another data point for UCONN BSMD- A very nice Asian girl currently in 2nd year MD of BSMD indicated:

  1. 11 students with 3 Indians and half OOS
  2. Half the class moved to BU, Rochester and Case western as UCONN allows applying out. Remaining continued.
  3. Her dad worked so she had full tuition UG and has to pay for med school.
  4. She is happy as she wanted to be Doc. She didnt have ( or did not) apply to many UGs or other MD schools.
  5. Many of her UG friends also made it to UCONN med school.

The main conclusion- she was happy, half the class moved to better medical school ( but did not make to top IVY etc. schools inspite security- I do not think or know if BU or Rochester can be considered top school etc.), and some of her UG friends also made it to UCONN MD.


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I get offended when called Desi!

My daughter ABCD!!

Life continues - if things like this gets someone offended, not sure how to deal with stress of top school vs. BSMD!!!

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There is big difference between Desi and other racial terms but leave it up to you. I am not into PC but sensitive to racial and ethnic biases.

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Ok - Changed to Asian- Is that Ok?

Race topic is a dangerous one - so lets keep it out of the way.

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great! BTW, I was also not aware of Oriental being a bad word but someone mentioned it to me this morning.

Well I was told last week that cannot use Mexicans it has to be Latinos! We are all walking on Eggshells in the current world.

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