Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I heard homeless is not PC anymore, it’s unhoused!


wow and wow!!! At this rate we all be classified as crazys soon!!

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That will be unmind?

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Hey everyone. Wow just logged on here after a few months to realize there’s a whole second thread. Congrats to everyone on acceptances and decisions! I thought I’d hop on to say that this thread has been a great resource, and all of you have been so helpful! Unfortunately, I received a few interviews which went well but ultimately didn’t get accepted. I guess BS/MD just wasn’t for me. That’s okay though, I’m going pre-med at my state university (top notch for public) and am excited. Since there’s a lot of convo on BS/MD vs traditional, hopefully I’ll be able to update on my path in a few years (if all goes well lol). Thanks again to contributors and senior posters! :slight_smile: :v:


You already have experience with medical school application process so you are ahead in the game. Good luck!

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I am having hard time making decision between the Rice UG (traditional) and TAMU early acceptance program (BSMD). Any suggestions?

Need more details. is TAMU guaranteed program?

Yes, but it won’t allow to apply out

Thank you @srk2017 for that annual report from Vandy! I was looking at the statistics that are relevant to me.

2017-2019 Total Applicants from Vandy

117 applied to VCU | 8 were accepted (6.8%).
130 applied to AMC | 5 were accepted (3.8%)
35 applied to UConn | 1 was accepted

General stat relevant for this forum - 10% of the med school applicants from Vandy even with a GPA higher than 3.7 were not accepted anywhere. :cold_face:

It seems you keep missing mark, this time it is MCAT.

You can keep saying that and pulling excuses. I kept one stat for you.

With a GPA >3.7 and MCAT > 90, 6% did not make it. (Thank you for editing your post and highlighting it)

This is an important piece of information when the attrition difference of 1.8% was crucified less than 24 hours ago.

For the other part, is Vandy not prepping the candidates well for MCAT?

It is the individual student who prepares for MCAT, not the institution. Taking all pre-requisite classes alone may not be sufficient preparation for MCAT. Not every one from Vandy or any other T20 school will do well in MCAT. See the students from Vandy apply in a great number to VCU and AMC and Rutgers. From AAMC data, only 42% applicants get into at least ONE medical school via regular route admission.

See the AAMC GPA-MCAT grid in color-coded.

It’s not Vandy it’s the candidate :slight_smile: MCAT is tougher than SAT IIs and some fail because of that. Again schools don’t prep you for MCAT, you do. As per those with above 90 percentile, most likely some other red flag (weak ECs or essays are usual suspects). I always said it’s the candidate. So those bird-in-hand advocates with failure stories never tell you why they (or the candidate) think they didn’t get succeed. All blamed on randomness or competition.

Also attrition is after making it to medical school so the context is different. The suspected reason is some of those are too relaxed in BS part and then got slammed in medical school. You can draw your own conclusions.

If you succeed it is because of us. If you fail, it is because of you. Got it!
My shift starts in a few hours. It was nice chatting with y’all the last couple of days. :slight_smile:

It is not excuse, you are not paying attention to entire info.
Not getting into med school is far different than
Dropping out from med school, which has huge consequences, that medical seat goes empty for next leftover years.

Also most likely those 6% is result of over confidence and very selective where they applied.
Also another marked you missed is those are 1st time applicants.Those 6% may have learned from their mistakes and may had applied in subsequent year and may have acceptance.
Even a 4.0 GPA and 528 MCAT may go w/o acceptance if chooses to apply to 1 SOM and that SOM doesn’t accept that candidate for whatever reason.

You should look at GPA/MCAT grid for entire applicant pool and that has staggering 89% acceptance in 3.8+ and 517+ MCAT.


Schools will provide opportunity but they can’t make you stay focused and do everything needed. Schools like Vandy provide all the opportunities needed and have an excellent premed office. So if you can’t use all those it’s on you.

Here is another math. T20 med schools actually represents about 30 schools. Being ~150 total med schools, T20 represents ~20% of total medical schools, hence ~4400 seats. As a high schooler would you have what it takes to be in that ~4400? and for T10 that would be ~2000.

You need to google something called Yield protection to understand how med school admissions work. A Harvard acceptance is most likely to be rejected from Rosalind Franklin…

Also look at where most of those kids ends up, relatively much high ranked medical schools, Northwestern, UChicago, UTSW, WashU just to name few than VCU, AMC and UCONN.

Medical school admission is far more holistic than UG admissions. That’s why most concentration one finds in a SOM is from their own UG, all other UGs are getting a small pie.

You still have 95% of seats available to compete. Good luck with traditional journey.


So would it be more easy for JHU UG to get into JHU med school or Penn into Penn Med or NYU into NYU med school.

Talking to Penn UG at Penn med school, she indicated that about 20 make it to Penn med school ( total intake at Penn is about 140 or so). Not sure at Columbia or JHU or NYU.