Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Yes, absolutely!! That’s why we were totally bummed when younger D did not get Invited by NJMS foe an interview.

Those things are too little for me to consider when choosing a school. Based on what I heard TCNJ is a better UG than NJIT but I guess different strokes for different folks.

Do you realize how many students can afford Wholefood prices ? Most campuses do not have Starbucks.

My daughter walked to most places. She did not mentioned commute being an issue, except to complain that she bought too many groceries to carry back. Rutgers campus is right across (you literally just need to cross the road) and Rutgers Newark and NJIT have combined classes, so she explored research there as well. For volunteering, I think she had to commute by public transport and did it on days she had a block of time free. She didn’t have trouble finding opportunities either. She could have done a lot more if she wanted but she indulged in Arts, Hackathon’s and non-medical activities more.

I realize how it might sound to someone from a different environment. My DD used these as representation of an environment she was comfortable with, which was city life. She found NJIT ideal for her needs as she is also a programmer, and being able to spend BS in a city environment was icing on the cake for her.

I don’t know about TCNJ vs NJIT but I can say that more students are choosing NJIT for BSMD than past years. We had just 2 or 3 students per year in NJIT for BSMD when we went to tour, it was 7 in my DD’s batch and I now heard it was a dozen in recent years and growing. TCNJ is a fantastic school from what I heard, and they have about 20 students in BAMD each year.

This is becoming another BU style debate :slight_smile: I am glad that you and your D is 100% happy with the decision to go with NJIT and fantastic to hear that she is thriving there.

They have another BSMD type medical program where they send students to St. George’s University Grenada, West Indies. A lot of students may choose that too.

Lol, no, I’m not against TCNJ nor trying to defend NJIT. Just calling out NJIT as a potential option cos many parents didn’t seem to know much about it. Both are great schools. NJIT was attractive to many due to the free ride, but I see someone share they only offered partial aid for them - so aid not a distinct advantage over TCNJ anymore.

Was she interviewed by NJIT and got forwarded to NJMS?

There are many Whole food stores and Starbucks in nice suburbs to visit in NJ.

Yes, in 2017. She was also forwarded by Rutgers, but not TCNJ.

Your younger one

Yes she was. She was forwarded by Stevens, Drew, NJIT, Rutgers but not TCNJ. But NJMS did not call her for interview.

Does it have anything to do with your elder one being in NJMS ? Legacy is a benefit in Ivies, may be not with NJMS.

Do they look at family info before making decision on interviews or acceptances?

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Would you send your kid to CNU if they offer a free ride?

Is there a Starbucks or Whole food near CNU, Elk Grove, CA ? It seems it is 15-20 min car ride.

I don’t know about Elk Grove, CA, but Elk Grove, IL does… :grinning:

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