Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Congratulations to your Son and your Family.

My D has accepted 6 Year BA/MD at UMKC. This wasn’t easy decision but with so many good
insights, decided that’s the best option for her. She may take a gap year and focus on research during Med School and firmly believe with good planning, focus and hard work will lead to good residencies of her liking.

Once again, thank you for the forum members for all the valuable inputs in this thread.


congratulations! would you mind sharing your sons stats/ecs/etc either here or in the bsmd experience thread? im sure they’d help out a lot of ppl like myself who plan on going the traditional route!

@compengineer1 Make you feel much better, you are not the only one, I get to hear that almost every day!!!



Today is the Deadline for accepting offers.

Once you do that, please share your stats+ perspectives in the results thread, if you have not done so already.

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To the experts of this forum:

In your opinion, when and how would someone on a bsmd waitlist hear back from that program? What is the appropriate way to inquire to see if they already filled their seats? (we already accepted the offer of another college, but one can hope). This thread was a great help navigating the college application journey- entertaining at times :nerd_face:Thank you for all the guidance and help!


There is a BSMD experience thread where frequently the former has posted updates.

Son is smart as hell though :exploding_head:

Thank you all for the wishes. Here is my recap in the BSMD Experience thread


If you have not yet sent a Letter of Continued Interest, suggest you do that immediately.

Give about 1 week after the letter to inquire on the status of the waitlist.
Based on their response, you can decide how much you need to wait before the next inquiry.

Thank you

Congratulations and best of luck to your Son at UPENN !!!

DC finally broke the tie yesterday between Stony Brook BSMD and USC premed UG (half tuition). The long story in short
and the winner is Stony Brook BSMD. :grinning:
Those who were already committed to Stony Brook BSMD, please DM me so maybe a closed facebook group or something can be planned to sync up admitted students and their parents.
Posted reflection in the results thread:

This forum is amazing. I can’t recall a situation that I didn’t get a response or advice after posting a question in this group. Awesome. Thank you all! I wish you all the best!


Congratulations to your DC’s success and best luck for Stony Brook.

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Congratulations to your C and family! Wonder what took your C so long though, thought it was an obvious choice :slight_smile: :wink:

USC would have given a tough fight had it been a full tuition offer, but lately because of the scandals and all they want to portray a better image of themselves by going extra mile in meeting the need based support, thereby cutting down or even eliminating the full tuition awards. (It’s still a very popular school with more than 5k posts on CC this cycle in their admissions thread).

Yes, as you mentioned strategy is important. Baylor is a waste of time for all practical purposes unless one just wants to try out for the fun of it. But not at the cost of wasting time and efforts on other apps. Likewise for ORMs Brown PLME is apply but forget kind of thing. One should not count these in their list of applications even if turning them in and should plan on applying for the rest accordingly.

Also glad you did enough due diligence before coming to decision and sharing in the results thread. I am also reminded of @frd2020 also mentioning earlier about checking with 12-15 doctors in their circle about the choices they have had.

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Folks applying this FALL

A new discussion thread has been created by the moderators:

Folks who decided on their colleges yesterday or before:
Please share your stats + perspectives in the Results Thread.

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Thanks for your post in results thread. You have given lot of points and reflections to help future students / parents and all are useful like wide net, start early, reach out to known circle etc.,

There is one point I think it may still benefit future students and hence want to share here.

The number of seats (even if 5) should not deter folks. That is the reality. Just because Brown or BU or any school has higher number of seats makes any difference, there more number of applicants. Than compared to Cincy, OU, UAB or Tulsa, Rice/Baylor. On the contrarian view it may benefit. So if the student is comfortable with the school, location or program even if it is just 3 or 5 seats, it is worth the efforts.

At the same time, students should narrow down if they are particular about any aspects. For example, recently many posts related to religious courses. It should be known Baylor UG (by the way Baylor MD is different and has no association to UG Baylor though name is same), is religious school and need to take specific courses etc). Rather apply to Rice/Baylor if strong applicant.

Would not recommend to take extreme steps especially if known that student is reasonably good in academics / test taker and has/can put in efforts what it needs to reach a goal (like your C, kudos for the accomplishments, paper, shadowing, doing music or sport for 10 years takes phenomenal efforts and passion) to apply to schools which are necessary at this stage (like CNU, Caribbean, Asia, etc).

Glad decision is taken and best wishes at StonyBrook. Plan for coast to coast travel in the next 8 years!


So with the commitment date gone, do colleges start releasing waitlist confirmations or it takes time for them to process it?

that is very generic question and answer is all over the map depending on which college you are talking about. Do you have particular college waitlist situation?

@cheer2021 – Congratulations to C and the proud family. Wish C the very best at Stony Brook for BA/MD and beyond. With one published paper and 3 more publications in progress, focusing on research during UG is a good idea and Stony Brook will provide good opportunities. Also, NY and surrounding areas may provide additional opportunities during both BA and MD stages.

Thank you for sharing C’s stats and detailed reflections. You are so right on the strategy and the number of BSMD applications. Every year the competition increases and this year, the competition was even more so. Also, you are right that UG acceptance to even IVY leagues is far less selective compared to BSMDs. Hypothetically, a student of your C’s calibre could have gotten into T10 UG schools if applied via ED. USC itself is a great T25 school where your C got in with scholarship, without even applying via Early Decision. In comparison - Harvard university accepted 1968 number of students for the class of 2025 while the total number of students in all of the BSMD’s combined on the other hand is closer to 1/10th of that number. So assuming all T20 colleges are private colleges with similar number of seats - the total number of students in top 10 colleges would be 2000 times 10, resulting in 20000 and top 20 colleges would be double, 40000 seats.

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Including BSDOs, my understanding it is about ~1200, not ~200.

Because there are ~300 deferred acceptances from last year due to pandemic, generally that deferred is <100. Harvard incoming class is ~1600 otherwise.

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