Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

You have drawn a wrong conclusion - BSMD and happiness do not have a cause-effect relation as you are speculating here.

@solitary24 - On the top of what is mentioned by grtd2010, near perfect SAT/ACT and UW GPA in high school is not enough to get into any BSMD. This is definitely a requirement for an ORM and is helpful not to get screened out in the initial rounds.

Additionally, please ask your child to take on healthcare/medical volunteering in a Hospital or clinic (200-300 hours), shadowing of multiple specialities (20 hours) and Research in a university or a research facility (this is usually competitive and requires college type application) - approx. 500-600 hours. Try to have some involvement with high school & other clubs. Usually kids with significant involvement would be eligible for leadership experience once they are a high school senior (captain, co-captain, vice-captain) etcā€¦

After all this, at the end of junior year, apply widely to multiple BSMD and regular UG colleges. Based on the outcome, decide where your child wants to goā€¦


Thank you @Vicky2019 and @grtd2010 for your perspectives and suggestions.

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Iā€™ve posted my stats and stuff, hopefully itā€™s helpful for next yearā€™s applicants. Iā€™ve been brutally honest so Iā€™m bracing myself for the backlash.

Congratulations on your multiple acceptances and thanks for sharing your perspective. Not only you young guys, many of us the old guys were also mighty irritated by the attitude of some other old guys. Thatā€™s why I mentioned explicitly few times that I just skip some postersā€™ messages. Agree, most of them were off topic, irrelevant and even misleading, but guess we had to put up with them.

GL with wherever you choose to go.

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Congratulations and all the very best to you.

You have a strong profile and 34 is not that of a low score to begin with.
Happy you achieved your success.

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Congratulations on many BSMD acceptances and good luck to you where ever you matriculate for UG ( GAP or Upstate would be my guess). You are an exception with 2 publications. The BSMD process is very unpredictable. Wish you the very best.

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    This is a public forum and open to all. It is governed by CC policies. One has a choice to ignore or block whatever one does not like.


Congrats to your D and best wishes at Hofstra.

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Hi, @quaranteen congrats, great stats, and nice advice for kids. Extremely helpful.

As I read this thread I want to add one more thing. Some are very active and provide great suggestions for other kids and parents while talking about their own kidā€™s achievements but refrain from posting their stats. Of course, itā€™s up to the individual but I believe it would be helpful if they post their results and decision points as @NoviceDad keeps on saying.

@solitary24 One point may not be obvious here, there are privacy rules which may be in play. If kids donā€™t want their grades/stats displayed to everyone in high school, the same applies here.

Thanks for the information. Disclaimer: I am not getting into a debate here.

Well, as I mentioned it could be a personal choice whether to help others or not but I am not sure about your argument. It might not be very obvious for common extracurriculars and as I see in the past results thread some have mentioned that specifically and didnā€™t include that particular activity for privacy reasons. Of course, it makes sense for someone like @SpeedSkater who irrespective of that posted the stats.

@solitary24 The point was that it is kidā€™s stats/grades(GPA). If OP is kid, kid can make it public if so desires. Do you know that your kid can stop you from seeing his/her grades in college ? You may still have to pay the tuition bills. There is nothing you can do about it. The college/university will not let you see the academic record if kid does not want you to see it.

Got your point, yep, it makes sense.

Debate is essence of CC as a public forum.

Happy to share that our kid is thrilled to accept admission and has decided to enroll in Case-Western Reserve University for their PPSP BSMD program. Caseā€™s well-structured & detailed processes/communications, welcoming admission committees and reputable medical district/resources has gained kidā€™s trust over some of the Ivy and top schools/programs. Declined offer of acceptances to 1) BSMD Programs ā€“ Brown/PLME, GWU/GWU, NJMS (3), RPI/AMC, UMKC and SLU EAP 2) UG ā€“ U PENN, Northwestern/NU, and Rice.

We were fortunate 1) to receive multiple admission choices 2) to gain feedback/honest views from current UG/Med/prospective students and external medical faculty members & experienced parents 3) College Visits post acceptances and 4) Enough time for alignment with student-college fit prior to kid making a final decision.

Watch for a result thread for additional color and commentary including a frame-work (mindset and mechanics) that guided us thru this journey. Wish you all the best.


Well, thanks for the suggestion @grtd2010. I tell my kid, donā€™t waste your time debating things that donā€™t add value to the topic and I would suggest the same here. Also, I would like to revert back to your comment in a different thread

ā€œThis is a public forum and open to all. One can not dictate to others what should or should not be posted according to their wishes. It is governed by CC policies. One has a choice to ignore whatever one does not like.ā€

So, if not debating doesnā€™t mean that one need to move out of CC to form another group.

Exactly, the point was debate should be welcomed in a public forum to have different perspectives, not disdained.

In a private group, one can control the discourse by limiting who can join, which is possible on some popular platforms.