Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

When did you receive upstate rejection and for which feeder?

From Brooklyn 2 weeks ago

Congrats to all who got into UMKC and Hofstra as well as all the other BS/MD and top schools, very happy for all of you !!

@NoviceDad, can you please elaborate more on away-rotations? what are those? Is away mean that rotations are at some different (far-away) hospitals or medical school that have no affiliations to the medical school you are currently studying at? Do students do/find those on their own or are they organized by your medical school itself? How are they different from the ones that students do at nearby hospitals of their medical school?
I guess I need more education of medical field :slight_smile:

Two compare any two medical schools, I would suggest you explore the following:

  • look at medical school mission and focus area, if any
  • speak to students at both schools and get an understanding of your own subjective factors. Ask them about MS3 rotations (in-house) as well as MS4 away rotations. Ask them about the clinical experience.
  • look at 4-year trend on match list. While students decide on their own specialties, looking at a trend does throw up interesting insights on the collective student outcomes
  • look at how residency program directors view such programs
  • factor in location, total cost, weather, student-size, and any other subjective factors e.g. availability of Starbucks or Indian food or a bus stop on campus
  • factor also the undergrad experience.

Also, note, it is very likely over the next few years, college can add more specialties to further increase their footprint.

Hope this helps.

if I were you, I would def chose upstate via UAlbany.The Albany program waives the MCAT for students, however Hofstra does not. You wouldn’t want your child to go through undergrad thinking she has spot in medical school, but does badly on the Mcat and lose her spot. aAlso Hofstra is not in the best location, I live in the area and there are frequent shooting and robberies-very scary. Some of my daughters friends at UAlbany who love the campus and truly love the environment. Hofstras tuition is crazy, while Albany cheap and a state school. Anyways, I wish u luck in making decision and congrats on your admittance to the two programs.

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Away-rotations = rotations at different hospitals (where one can potentially do a residency).
It can be anywhere in the country.

For most part, students have to find / apply themselves.

The most important is past 5 match list will give you a good idea of the specialities which school is strong. One year data can be skewed

Folks who have received a waitlist or rejection:

Hang in there. Waitlists do move.
Also, BS/MD is your first shot at the path of medicine.
The doors are not closed.
Remember what you learned from this experience.

And most importantly remember, you are among the top cream of students - your capabilities and drive will take you places.


I had indicated looking at a 4 year trend.
I guess 5 year trend is better.

Yes you are right I missed 4 years. Also perspective RD is important and below link is the ranking

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DD got into UMKC.


Thank You, definitely helpful info to look at

Here is NJMS curriculum. See year3 and year 4 schedule. It is not easy to get away-rotations at reputable places. There are 20 weeks ( away-rotations) available in 4th year and two 2 weeks in third years(may be local hospitals in NJ) for any electives. So plan well in advance. All other medical students at NJMS and in other places will be doing the same planning.


If one is afraid of MCAT, think twice if you want to continue at the chosen path. There are several such tests in future which one can not escape.

I hear what you are saying but it would def make the students undergraduate experience better if MCAT was waived. so if you have a choice between the two paths, I would think choosing the program with no MCAT would be the wiser decision, in addition to other benefits on the program.


The whole point is MCAT should not be a criterion to select one program over another. If one prepares well, it may not be difficult to score 510 (81%) in a single attempt.

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As of today, my DD has PSU-SKMC, SUNY-Upstate and UMKC admissions, along with UCF which is not true BSMD. We’re waiting on UConn waitlist to come through (lower cost) and BU because of better ranking/urban campus. PLME & Stanford are the lotteries we’re not waiting on but would feel lucky to get.


so why do you think some programs waive the MCAT at all??

It is irrelevant since you want to escape MCAT. Good luck with your medical school journey (USMLEs, boards and in between exams). You may face tough competition in medical school with those coming through regular route MD.