Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Brooklyn is SUNY downstate, not upstate. So if there are any Upstate prospects who did not hear from first and second interview dates, there is still hope.

I do not appreciate you twisting my words. I wish you good luck in life with an attitude like yours. I wouldn’t want my doctor to have the attitude like you have.

“scared” is used too often and liberally by some of you. Its not about being scared; when one has choice, making use of it and exercising it right. Just because, one has energy don’t have to jump the hoops. If there is a choice just go around it. Why jump and suffer possible injury?!


Got waitlisted UMKC
 how difficult is to get off the waitlist, and is there anything that can be done to change the waitlist decision?

Medical career journey is not a sprint but a long race. These examinations will continue during your whole medical career. How are you going to deal with them in future ?

whoever said I was scared? I was just comparing two programs.

To each his own y’all, no point in bicker @dsny777 I think was just pointing out the security of the one program and @grtd2010 was just pointing out that the MCAT is a good test of capability since becoming a doctor is challenging. Too hard to understand others tones just through text :sweat_smile:

FYI, there are some studies which correlated USLME-1 performance with MCAT performance. It is there for a reason why AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) have it. One can not continue medical school without passing USLME-1.

@rk2017 I see that you responded to this thread 2 years back to compare NJMS vs UMKC: Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019 - #5846 by neurochic Is your thinking still the same?

I am still new here, any senior members of CC site can answer my question. I saw @NoviceDad too suggesting many people.

Please DM me, That would be better than posting here. Thank you.

just for clarification on these away rotations: can an student apply anywhere as long as they get the necessary transcript or rec letters? Or does a med school only allow students to do away rotations at certain institutions? For example: can a zucker SOM student do away rotation anywhere, or only at institutions Zucker is partnered with?

I also got a call from Hofstra this Tuesday
Accepted! I interviewed on March 8th.


congrats! do you know if they are still calling?

Thank you! I think they are, I just got the official email yesterday and still didn’t get the paper notice they told me to expect, so it looks like the process is ongoing!

Good luck with this attitude. We do not appreciate or support this type of behavior. If one has a chance to not take the MCAT, one should take that chance and it does not make you any less of a doctor. A medical school admissions test is just that, it’s for admissions. One of the best skills a doctor can have besides medical knowledge is their bedside manners. Not judging you based off of one comment, but that was very rude. Hopefully this was just caused by the nervosity of waiting for your decisions. No one is out to get each other here so stop that, thanks😘


thank you, I’m still clinging onto some sort of hope :sweat_smile:

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Yeah thought of DM ing you but on second thought sharing it here since may find others in similar situation helpful.

Yes, I still think NJMS 7 year is better than UMKC 6 year. Not inferring in any way that UMKC is a lesser med school, in fact I don’t know enough about it. But consider these points

  • 6 years with summer courses in between with not enough breaks is too much of a burnout on students who already worked so hard thus far in high school to be in this coveted situation of having multiple acceptances at hand. Imagine doing similar thing for the next 6 years.

As a matter of fact a well known program like Penn State/Jeff used to be of 6 years duration till about less than a decade ago and they found the students entering through the program doing as well or even better than their peers from traditional route. But still they felt it was not all that healthy to rush it through in 6 years. Now, even if one completes all the course work there in 2 years, they won’t let them matriculate till after 3 years of undergrad (where they can spend on research etc at no cost)

  • One needs enough time to grow and mature as a person before becoming a good physician. Cutting 1 year may be ok, but not 2 years. Also rushing through in 6 years may not be ideal for residency placements.

  • Not withstanding whatever people may say about the location or swearing by some rankings web site, NJMS is a very good medical school, just like its other in state peer med school Robert Wood Johnson. One can be as successful going to these schools (BS/MD or traditional) as they can be anywhere else. They provide ample opportunities to shine and it is on to oneself how far they want to go.

However there can be unique personal situations one has to evaluate and decide. Is UMKC giving you in state or regional price breaks? Does one have only this option? What if the student has plenty of AP credits, do the students there get any summer breaks? Things like that.


I watched some youtube videos yesterday of medical students on away-rotations. It seems that students apply to those (like they do for real residencies) via VSAS system. They can apply anywhere they like (potentially want to do residencies). And they have to include their scores/reco etc. One rotation can last 2-4 weeks and someone potentially can do 3-4 rotations. Landing those 3-4 rotation is also competitive. If the speciality that they are shooting for is avaible in-house, it is better as they can first do in-house and then explore away ones.

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Congrats. So what is her first choice?

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A very high MCAT score along with a very high UG GPA may get one admission into medical school like NYU with 4 years of full-tuition scholarship. So MCAT is more. It tests one’s knowledge of basic pre-requisites needed for medical school. Do not underestimate MCAT’s importance. A MCAT score 510(81%) probably may not get one in NYU.
It is there for a reason.


Congrats to your daughter! Those are awesome admittances!

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