Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Most of these pursue academic medicine which usually involves teaching, research and clinical practice.

Some may land up with Pharma companies as Medical Directors.

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Just curious everyone who received email from TCNJ are all accepted into NJMS or anyone also received an rejection email also that was not selected by NJMS. As we did not receive any email at all. Also is there anything on the portal whoever got admitted to NJMS

Nothing is guaranteed with anything :slight_smile: One kid who didn’t get into GAP got into Harvard medical (and couple of other T5s) this year.

How about NY medical colleges- SBU, Dowstate and Upstate along with state UG schools like SBU or Brooklyn or Albany or Sophie Davis??

Compared to topnotch UG undergrad???

Here is the gist of TCNJ based on the posts: It is simple and clear.
Since NJMS gives the complete list of candidates selected for BSMD (ignores which UG school forwarded or even applied etc), every participating UG feeder school knows which students are selected.
TCNJ irrespective of their original decision (forwarded to NJMS, admitted to UG but not forwarded, even outright rejected for their UG) if applied for their UG, wants to attract them to their UG (better late than never). Easy marketing strategy.

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NJMS only sends list of all those selected for BSMD to feeders. It is feeder who either call or send email to accepted NJMS BSMD applicants. TCNJ seems to send emails to even those who were not forwarded by them to NJMS. This is clear if you read some posts on this thread.

On a different note, spring is here

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Thank you Yes I understand, I was asking if anyone who got rejected from TCNJ/NJMS received email at all and whoever got the email are they all acceptance to the TCNJ/NJMS program. As was just making sure since we did not get an email at all about the status.

MD/PhD, typically takes 6 years. Complete the initial medical education (1-2 years), then off to research related to PhD and then back to rotations and after 5-7 years start your residency. It is a long process. But certainly for people who are passionate and plans to do that in lifelong, all these extra years does not matter. There is so much difference in how different folks look life and the years based on their cultural exposure.
Here is an example: My C BS/MD classmate (1 out of 6) opted to enjoy and widen his knowledge in UG and opted 5 years of UG (since OU gives 5 years free tuition+ some R&B aid) and clear about MD/PD (not keen about school rankings etc). He applied in the current cycle and got MD/PhD in UT San Antonio and UT A&M. He has top scores in MCAT, GPA etc. Each school differs in their selection process. UTSW does not care or offer a chance for MD alone if you apply to MD/PhD. He was not called for interview but he does not care about it also though he is from Dallas area. It all depends on student, what is important and what makes them happy. No show fits all.


I know last year you mentioned your friend’s daughter got notified by GW for BSMD. Did it release with the ug decisions or were they notified separately?

(Yes I know I am being obnoxious about this, I will do penance after Easter)

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You call TCNJ and find out for your own satisfaction.

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What is your C’s take on any of these and previously mentioned options? I think that should be the top factor. Have you had a chance to visit any of these places with C, gotten a feel of the vibes there and the ambience, checked out the faculty and facilities, spoken to folks there?

Personally I was not in favor of C going to medicine and even tried to convince against after getting into the top choice program. But left it to C’s choice. I would have preferred C going into investment banking career.

Heard of another student choosing Dartmouth economics over CMU computer science.

Yet another student going for flagship state university with full ride over MIT.

Another going to Brown PLME (8 yrs) obviously with no price breaks over BU SMED (7 year) with presidential scholarship.

So no right or wrong choice.

PhD degree requires a certain number of credits by taking advanced courses in biomedical sciences (different than MS1, Ms2), so it may take 3-4 years to complete a PhD. There are several intermediate steps such as establishing a PhD candidacy, writing a PhD research proposal and approval, doing research and finally defending your research. MD/PhD may be more like 7-8 years, before one can start a residency (4+3 or 4 for PhD).
An official excerpt from a MD/PhD program.
“Students accepted into the MD/PhD Program follow a carefully coordinated program of study combining the entire Medical School curriculum with selected research laboratory rotations, MD/PhD seminars, and PhD thesis research and course work in one of the five clusters of the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program. These clusters or areas of concentration are: Cancer Biology and Genetics, Infectious Disease and Immunity, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Neuroscience, and Organ Systems and Translational Medicine. Students are advised at regular intervals during the entire program by close interactions with the Associate Dean, with a MD/PhD Program Student Advisory Committee, with the student’s PhD mentor and and with the student’s Research Advisory Committee.”
The MD/PhD Program confers the dual degrees after seven to eight years of study under the aegis of the basic science and clinical departments…

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See if candidates can do bidding war as counter measure…

Did anyone hear from Rutgers-Newark either yesterday or today? I know some people received acceptance calls on Tue/Wed. Just checking if Rutgers calls are still going on.

CNU is a total joke. Don’t worry about fast food there is plenty. I am from Sacramento. My D withdrew immediately after we went to check. There is no UG campus, just a building by the freeway 50. They beg all the local physician to come and teach if they have time. Please research and think hard before committing.


Many on CC have done the research.

Money is one part but passion does gives you satisfaction in career that what I am trying to influence my kid. Investment banking is stressful and lot of money comes with baggage.

I think each kid has to figure out their passion and not parents. We can influence them and that’s what I trying…


With SPAC phenomenon and self registration, there may be a lesser need for Investment Bankers in future, IMO.

I am sure parents would invest in BSMDCoin if one can buy BSMD seat.