Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

There are clinicians who MD PHD who do 70 percent clinical and 30 percent research

Also teaching facially positions in medicine are easy to pursue with MD PHD

Yes Harvard will be difficult to give up

Let’s see what we have in our plate

Have family in Bay Area and child like Stanford also but we prefer Harvard.

Only BS MD he is considering is GAP

Although late for this cycle, is there a way to apply for MDPhD after HS or it always is after UG.

Is there any data on BSMD moving to MDPhD in the chosen MD school or moving to other MD school? Or you have to finish UG and MD to the chosen place.

What major at Harvard? D has applied to Bioengineering.

D currently is happy with Columbia BME ( only 40 students in class compared to large numbers at other schools- not sure at JHU).

Will see what happens in April.

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After undergrad only you can apply to MD PHD OR MD

But some BS md a program may allow you join their MD PHD programs but still you have compete and apply and go through the process after undergrad portion of BS MD


Wont UG at Upitt compared to Harvard bother him inspite GAP.

My D in same sort of dilemma and UG schools are bothering her ( although MD school not like GAP) - I and she both are learning the MD process and she thinks she is smart enough to get after UG and will take a chance ( My son in CS UT- Austin not as smart has messed up his GPA but just got internship with Tesla).

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Yes Harvard is number one in Neuroscience

It would be hard to give up.

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The MD/PhD program is applied as ONE after UG. Although some will recruit from first year MD class, those with research experience. The new recruit will go through PhD selection process. The students in MD/PhD finish first two years of MD (MS1, MS2) and then start PhD portion. They usually should finish PhD before they can start their clinical rotations (MS3, MS4). Since most MD/PhD programs pay tuition for both MD and PhD parts, it may not be possible, not to complete a PhD without some issues, and just do MD only, IMO. Usually the graduate school ( which awards the PhD) has a time limit on the duration to finish a PhD.


Ok so one has to finish PHD first before you can get MD

@sam2024 and @compengineer1 - Excellent and uplifting conversation… I request you to come back in 4 years (whichever route your child take) and post in the experience thread.

One is expected to pursue academic medicine ( both research, clinical work) after a MD/PhD, but one can find other opportunities else where.

Good luck to all SMED applicants tomorrow!! Hopefully, we all get in :slight_smile:

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UG reputation and cost are the biggest -ves for BSMD programs and those were the reasons for DS to give up BU in 2017 and his confidence in his capabilities resulted in 3 T5 admissions this year. I come here to tell parents to believe in your kids strengths and not go by failure stores you hear from few diehard BSMD advocates.


I received this email from TCNJ but was not given an interview for the bsmd from them and was ultimately rejected. I got into NJMS through NJIT. Can someone tell me what this email from TCNJ means

“We received the final list of accepted students from the medical school today, and you were on it!
Since we had previously contacted you about changing your major, I’d like to know if you are still interested in the 7 year program? (Every year there are a few applicants that receive interviews via different schools, but I do apologize for any confusion.)”

TCNJ is inviting you to join them for UG as NJMS BSMD. NJMS does not care whether you go to NJIT or TCNJ for your UG.


Check with the relevant BS/MD programs whether they allow MD/PhD and if yes, are the requirements different?
For example, Northwestern allows HPME students to apply for MD/PhD but they will then have to give an MCAT and go through an interview process.
These are additional requirements compared to regular BS/MD.

For MD/PhD, having a strong undergrad research base helps. You still need to maintain >3.85 GPA and >515 MCAT to even have a shot at these programs.

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No - MD/PhD is administered by Pitt. You need to be admitted by Pitt for that program.
Once admitted, you have the option to do research at CMU (in lieu of doing it at Pitt).

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Pitt / UPMC is a medical powerhouse.
There is no guarantee after Harvard UG, you will get into a Pitt level medical school.

Which dream will you put more weightage on - undergrad or medical/post-medical?

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