Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Yea, they said still under consideration

We didn’t receive anything about Stonybrook Honors yet. Applied BSMD. Nothing changes in portal. Or they send the email reject letter? Maybe should send them email again?

JHU does not have any BS/MD program.
All are traditional route students.

I agree if u want to hit T10 med schools JHU stands out with the EC opportunities they have.

May I ask what is it in BME that interest her ? BME major is basically a hot potch combination of several engineering disciplines - mechanical, electrical, chemical/material science, computer engineering and others (like Biological Sciences, Physiology). It is best if one wants to pursue a career as a BME. IMO, one should pursue a pure engineering discipline like - Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Computer Engineering etc.

Okay, at least I can now contribute to something I know. Please, anyone who wants to go to med school shouldn’t think doing BME/ChE at Caltech is the best path to get there! The Biology option is a possible path if this is an exceptional student, which your D clearly is. From what I know, a Caltech BS degree (in any option) is equivalent to a degree in Physics and Math, plus any other degree! The Caltech students I know are at least +3SD to the right of the normal distribution. So, if the goal is an MD, avoid Caltech like a plague if you want an undergraduate degree in anything other than Biology. Just my $0.02.


what percentage of those who start as pre-med at JHU eventually end up in T10 medical schools even with 1-2 gap years ? Any data ?? know students from my D’s HS who joined BSMD instead of JHU UG.


Very few. JHU is known for being a cutthroat pre-med environment. Many who start off as pre-med end up switching out, and those who stay in as pre-med often fail to get a committee letter. The advertised stat is 80% but in actuality, the 80% only consists of a pool of applicants that JHU explicitly supports.

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I have a cousin who is a senior pursuing pre med at JHU. She has done well

Did s/he apply this application cycle or plans to take a gap year ?

These stats are bogus! In a way they are correct but only if you know the denominator.

In most cases the denominator is the folks who met all the min. requirements and received committee letter. The 80% at JHU and/or the 40% acceptance rate of traditional route MD is based on a tiny-subset of all pre-meds. There are so many variables called GPA/MCAT/ECs/Committee letters etc. before getting to that 80%/40%. It may be easy for smart, determined, know-it-all-about-how-to-succeed from a rigor high school students. But definitely not going to be walk-in-the-park for lot of folks.

Btw, not everyone who got a 3.8+ GPA and 1500+ SAT in high school is capable enough to get a 3.8+ GPA and 517+ MCAT in UG, because college is different ball game than not-so-rigor high schools. That’s my opinion based on what I have observed around.

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Pushing smarts kids into lower ranked med schools BS MD is restricting their ability.

Know a lot of Hopkins unde grad in T10 schools

With 3.7 GPA


a state school undergrad with 4.0 gpa not even making to med schools as could not score well in MCAT . One year gap is OK and healthy.

All students are not equal. getting a scholarship at Hopkins is commendable

General rule when a kid from uncompetitive high school with gpa 4.0 goes to ranked college he has a hard time same way going to Hopkins you should be concerned else you should take that opportunity and not hear to BS MD a consultants pushing you to lowered ranked programs.

Any way if you do well in JHU you are in almost in T10 if you do well in a state school you may get in some medical school

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I have been consistently saying that those who went to competitive HS do well in any UG unless some who had burn out in HS and stopped workin hard or took fist year granted. Some has burn out HS and parents don’t want to admit and come up with all the failure examples. That’s why I give lot of examples of both success and failure not just talk about my “C” and never claimed that these kids high MCAT in their sleep.


We got via email.

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JHU with a scholarship is a deal

We are full pay Harvard and May consider Upitt GAP if selected.

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Exactly, what are the chances of one doing very well at JHU ? Some may be out of contention as soon as after the freshman year at JHU. It is dependent on the individual. It is not true for everyone MD aspirant since it is JHU UG.

Tough to find those stats. I know those with 3.6 and good MCAT getting after gap year.

I think that is a defensive approach if you know your child is smart you do not want to push him in lower ranked programs.

In our case we dropped from good programs like BU sand PPSAP and want to take risk.

Child’s elder sibling matched at UPMC and with with undergrad cost variance compared to Harvard although I am not in favor of giving up Harvard there are 20 percent chance that we may consider Upitt if selected although GPA reqirements are high which is fine and expected from a T15 med school. Undergrad program is not ranked and applying out to T10 won’t be possible is a issue.

This was the reason my son left the traditional high school and did a full time dual enrollment. We knew the issues with college credit and future med school applications, but even the Honors and AP classes at his school are taught at a slightly above regular level. The general academics are soooo extremely low at the school (and I know, I worked there).

Even now we have had quite a few conversations about gaps and accessing tutoring.