Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

IMO, Temple/Temple is a better choice based on COA.

Is it possible to communicate with you directly i have some specific questions regarding Temple? You can DM me

Looks like summer semester cost at BU might not be 1/2 tuition. According to BU site, it says (below) that hub requirements can be fulfilled by AP courses. In summer you have to take 4+12 credits = 16 credits. It also says you need to complete 112 credits at BU, which means you can only use 8 credits from AP. So you might have to do 8 credits in summer. Cost per credit in summer is $730. If you do 8 credits, tuition will be $5840. Even if you have to take all 16 credits (in case you don’t have any APs), it will be $11680. Their annual tuition is $58000.

“Acceleration is made possible by the 12-week summer session. Because this program requires only seven semesters of undergraduate work, advanced standing credit may not be used to further decrease the number of credits required for graduation (112 credits). However, advanced standing exam results may be used to fulfill BU Hub requirements, the College of Arts & Sciences language requirement, and minor requirements if approved by the department offering the course.”

CAS BI 383S Fundamentals of Biology 3 (4 cr)
Three BU Hub requirements outside the major; or course for the minor; or elective courses (12 cr)

Isn’t GW/GW 7 years?

@TimTam123 Temple/Temple has a 7 year option which can be chosen at the end of first semester based on student’s performance in the first semester. A few do choose it but some want to take advantage of 4 years of UG life or do extra one year of research, and/or do a double major.

How about this, my DD will have just 5 APs all together! :smile:


One of the reasons my son loves GW/GW so much is they also are pretty generous with accepting dual enrollment transfer credits. Even with balancing all the extra stuff that goes with pre-med, he will easily be able to double major.


GW is a 7 year program option only. There’s no 8 year track.

@TimTam123 Temple has very generous policy for AP and IB credits. It will also give credits for college courses taken for Dual Credits upon submission of official transcripts to admissions office.
Here is information on AP/IB credits.

Temple/Temple has a 7 year option which one can choose after first semester based on grades in the first semester.

As of now, my son has not heard anything from upstate after interview. What does it mean?

yes GW/GW has 7 years sorry for the typo

GW/GW is 7 years sorry for the typo

@TimTam123 Temple/Temple has a 7 year option which one can choose after first semester based on grades in the first semester.

My daughter will be declining her Upstate spot soon, and I expect they will offer it to someone.

We are in turn waiting to hear from UConn. At this time, it is just the parents waiting really, to see if we could get a lower cost option. DD is already checking out BU campus map, dorms and food options with so much energy that it looks like a commit to us :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

@Mom22DDs who is in control, one who controls the purse !!!

You know it, I know it, does she know it??

Seriously though, $90k+ per year does seem very expensive, especially after older DD’s total bill of $160k for all 7 years!! Guess we should count ourselves lucky for that.

Mom is still waiting on UConn, W&J/Temple and lotteries!!

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Both are good for pre-med. If money is in the equation, OSU may be cheaper being public and also becoming IS (even if OOS) is a possibility. CWRU gives some aid but still expensive.

In many places it is doable in 3 years, even if you don’t have that many APs. My D did in 3 years but had only 9 APs but used only 5 or so for course equivalence to fulfill requirements. Stony Brook being a public and in the middle may allow. Check their web site and they may have a list of all APs and the accepted course numbers.

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How is it $160K for 7 years? Isn’t tuition itself over $160K for medical school? I know your D got full ride for UG.

For older DD, we paid $40k in tuition and fees. For this year, there was no dorm fees and for MS2, she will likely live in an apartment unless they give dorm. So fees is again $40k/year for next three years. In BU, it is ~$90k/year for UG, and tuition and fees is again $90k/year for medical school, not including dorm, if I remember right. So difference is $160k + 3 years MS2 to MS4 room & boarding, vs $90k*7 + 4 years of medical school room & board. :money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings:

You need to provide total cost not tuition only LOL