Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

In other news, USNWR messed up the rankings and now I can’t claim 3 T5s. I should have listened to my dear friend RK regarding rankings :heart_eyes: Interestingly Vandy moved up few notches and UCSD is ranked higher than UCLA!

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I hope you have excellent UG aid and/or you are either in-state or regional for med school portion. UConn SOM is one of the most expensive one. One of the reasons we did not consider it, apart from having only 2-3 slots for OOS. Its SOM fee is good for in-state and a little respite for regional and for OOS its ridiculously expensive and easily over 100K/Year average. Its quoted as $101,940 $106,432 $109,248 and $95,579 for MS1 through MS4 for OOS. Just T+F s 76K for OOS…

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My mistake @srk2017 . BU medical school is $90k inclusive of tuition, fees, room & board. while older DD’s room and board is likely much lower, it is not 0, so maybe $10k/year if she is staying in apartment, $18k/year if in dorm.

It is 10k/year in Newark NJMS neighborhood. It is really cheap. May be more if you include utilities, transport, whole food prices and Starbucks trips.

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My older one started trading this year after writing a volatility-based stock picker program. Luckily for her, she started trading in May, when market was starting to pick up. We offered her 25% of any increase she did on some of our funds to encourage her interests and she basically doubled our funds. She opened a Roth IRA for last year and this year from her 25% cut, and now she has tripled her Roth. At this rate, we don’t have to give her any money for her room and board :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She stopped trading in Jan cos MS1 is brutal and the timing seems to have worked out well for her.

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She should give up her MD seat and go full time trading, she can be next Buffet.


Lol, market needs to cooperate for that. She said she was a classic Robinhood trader, and we all saw GME saga unfold. Luckily, she had to pretty much stop trading due to medical school. She is on spring break today, and said she will do a single trade. Bought AJAX options after some research and it went up 60% during the day. She seems to know what she is doing, so if she tires of medicine, she has something to fall back on :wink:


AJAX is a SPAC. A merger with Cazoo, a used car seller is announced as per news.

You think we haven’t asked for ourselves?? She says it is a lot of research on top of her program picks.

We just bought and sold options today for 60% profit.

My point is if she can generate 5-10k per day full day trading consistently for 250 days/year, no need to do anything else. It is not that easy.

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Yes, options are leveraged instrument and can give a big return when right. One has to time them well. Do not forget to pay federal and state taxes on your profits if applicable. Take it into account during your calculations of return.

DC was given three choices 3/22, 3/23, and 3/24. Don’t know if StonyBrook is interviewing other than these dates. Good luck.

Info from Hofstra 4+4 parent session held on 3/12…
Applied to Hofstra 4+4: 2000, Sent to ZSOM (medical school) - they said academically qualified: 500, interviewed: 66, offers: about 20-24, Admits: 10
Interestingly on an avg, only 5 of these 10 students advances to the first-year medical school at ZSOM. Rest either dropped out in the middle of the first 4 years or some get into better medical school. Because ZSOM is asking for a 510 MCAT score in the first sitting, they let students go out of the 4+4 program if someone gets a better MCAT score and wants to pursue other medical schools.
Are you on the waitlist?

Thank you! I got a full tuition from OSU, but I also got a 33.5k scholarship from case plus need based aid. The price difference is only $1600 a year, so it’s making the decision difficult

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Haven’t been reading all the messages here. But saw some questions regarding summer tuition at BU. Not only at BU, almost all schools are around half priced during summer. Do a quick search for BU summer session tuition. It says around $750 per credit hour. So assuming one does 4 courses = 16 credits (2 courses in summer 1 for 6 weeks and 2 courses in summer 2 - 6 weeks), the cost comes to around 750*16 = 12k. Add another 4k for 3 months of residence. Comes to around 16k. Compare it to fall and spring semesters, half of annual expense = 38k.

Now, not everyone will have to do summer courses. Most people get away just with summer 1 after sophomore year doing the mandatory Biology 3 with the SMED cohort and others.

Private message if any further questions. I will answer to the best of my ability, though it may be somewhat outdated, since C predates the new Hub format. I may not answer right away because of hectic work schedule but will catch up sooner or later.

Son just received acceptance from Univ. of Oklahoma BAMD program. He has scholarship as NMF and its 2 and half hours drive hence convenient for us, but he doesn’t prefer to be locked in for the MD portion.

Does anyone know if students in this program can opt/apply to other schools for MD ?

Also if any of you/your child are seriously considering (or) went through this program (BA or BAMD) before, can my son please connect and chat ? We’ll need to make a decision in the next 2 week.

Thanks very much


Yes of course they can apply out. Guess @GoldenRock C was in the program and did just that.

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@love4bsmd - i believe from what the UCONN SPiM students mentioned at an info session a couple of years back that most OOS students entering UG would switch their status to in-state (CT) in prior to matriculation to the medical school.

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@cheer2021 - Nope. Unfortunately, rejected. Not even wait listed. Along the lines of ‘random’, ‘luck’, ‘wonky’, my DD thought it was her most positive interviews as a whole. Not only that, she thought her worst interview was at UCONN, which she got accepted. Like I told her, just do your best and see where the chips fall…

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