Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Do you by any chance know the percent of SBU students who are admitted into med school? At this point I’m only waiting to hear back from RPI/AMC and PLME and was rejected or waitlisted at my UG schools (still waiting for ivy day). So SBU is a very big possibility for me especially since I have enough scholarships to get tuition covered. However, my parents have expressed sentiments that they think SBU is “too average” and will affect my med school applications down the line…

Go to Rice - More prestigious and small school whereas UT Austin you will be lost in crowd- Surely in Engg. I did PhD in ChE at UTA, my son is studying ECE/CS at UTA. 400 kids start as freshman and 200 are left due to weed out classes in ECE. ChE is not much weed out.

UT has larger class size and thus more TAs.

UTA has more research funds and larger dept. but at UG teaching is more important and Rice is better.

Both great and I would go with Rice for UG.

My D also UTA and Rice BME/BioE but better option for her here in NY.

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Thanks @compengineer1. Convincing her is going to be an uphill task.

Not true- Tonnes of Research opportunities in ChE atleast ( get tuition waivers if can get 20 hrs/week). Most motivated UG in ChE have RA including in Biomed area as ChE is huge with several professors in Biomed area. Should be same in other dept. I used to supervise many UG RAs

My son did internships all 3 summers with top CS companies and he is below avg. as many Tx Valedictorian in ECE/CS. ChE/BME will be less competetive and pure sciences also.

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Go with Rice. Friend’s friend’s son is at Rice and last I heard he got Northwestern and Hopkins with NO gap years. I don’t know them directly so don’t know the details.

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Again that’s a general observation and not specific to UT. You have to compete with more students and grad students for good research positions.

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What does she want to major in UTA or Rice?

Rice UG salary also should be higher than UT.

Forget the ranking- They include research fundings and UT gets a lot from state etc. compared to Rice. Also classes are huge in popular subjects at UT and much smaller at Rice. In ECE, you have to take Math and Physics for 5/4 semester ( no chem or bio). EE/CS mandatory classes in first year are brutal and 200 go down the drain in 1st 2 semester ( of 400 only 200 remain).

Think Rice is relaxed and you can easily change branch whereas at UT, CS/ECE is virtually impossible ( like JHU BME or CMU CS).

I will anyday take Rice for UG.

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Thanks @compengineer1 . At UT Austin it is Public Health(Waitlisted for Dean’s scholar). At Rice it is Kinesiology since public health is not offered. Goal is Med school.

UT ChE - All graduate students are supported. Ranks 3rd or so. Nearly all UG have RA if they want.

Other dept. are different.

I visit ChE and ECE all the time and have good knowlege about them. The bottom guy in ECE also has a job ( 100% employment) inspite large number.

Rice should be same or better.

Agreed- Go with Rice inspite I have PhD and son UG at UTA.

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How did you attend UT and have kids attend and still call it UTA? UTA is UT-Arlington. The flagship in Austin is just UT.

He is not native Texan.

UTA meant UT-Austin. Think Old and lazy in typing Austin!

In future if I put UTA, it is Austin. Will take your advice and just put UT. I dont know anything about UT- Dallas or Arlington etc.

For medical schools, major does not matter but both Public Health and Kinesiology are considered light majors ( in terms of rigor) compared to science majors like Biology, Neuroscience, Chemistry, BioChemistry, Applied Maths etc.

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I will call UTA(rlington) as UT Cowboys

I even dont care about this hype on school rankings- Too much of marketing.

My few professor friends at various schools ( top and bottom) all are great and it seems prof at bottom schools are enjoying more. For example, someone at Washington small school tells me that all his CS/EE student got higher salaries than much highly ranked Univ of Wash Seattle.

D is truly interested in Public Health hence that major. She completed quite a few Public Health courses from JHU and UNC Chapel Hill.

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IMO, a minor in a science subject will be advisable for medical school to show competencies in science. First two years MS1 and MS2 are heavily science (Biology, Biochemistry, Physics based learning) based for every one. A statistics class in UG is also helpful.

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Has Stony Brook released decisions for its BSMD program yet? I haven’t heard anything from them

A few have already received acceptances from Stoney Brook BSMD here on CC.