Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Northwestern, Rice/Baylor, Brown, UPMC, CWRU are pretty close…Honestly UofR is not too far off from them

If you would like, you can visit this site, which includes Bates, Carleton and Hamilton in its top picks:

Drexel is not worth the price. Take Temple or UPitt.


Case is closer to elite than rochester? And Brown? Browns ranking is significantly lower i thought. And northwestern makes sense but no program anymore. UPMC is also very close to rochester rankings wise so now im confused

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Only summer research is required as you mentioned…There isn’t any volunteering/shadowing requirement. However, you could get this experience if you like during the summers.

You can find all the info on TCNJ BSMD program here - Seven-Year Medical Program | Department of Biology

You can find additional info on medical careers advisory for TCNJ

I would rely on the research ranking >>>primary care ranking for overall reputation if using USNWR (but the rankings are not perfect).

The elite med scholls like Harvard, Hopkins, Penn, UCSF etc. are never going to have a BS/MD so the programs I lsited are about as close as it gets to those while still offering a BS/MD. And, as I stated, UoR is not far behind those programs if at all

DD’s friend only applied to three BSMD, snd has been accepted to Drexel BSMD. Would like to request inputs on Drexel.

Here is StonyBrook’s match pdf:
StonyBrook Match List 2021

Northwestern, Rice/Baylor, Brown, UPMC, CWRU are pretty close…

Northwestern has not taken BS MD apps for this year

I do not know if they discontinued the program for ever or few years

Best bet is to speak on Doctors who completed such programs.

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What is your total cost of attending each schools?
Merit amount by itself gives limited information.
Key is how much will you have to pay from your pocket.

Also, you do not mention which program, if any, you got selected for.

Northwestern HPME is closed for good.

An incorrect decision in my view.


Bump. My D’s friend and family would appreciate any inputs on Drexel BSMD vs UG (Emory, UNC Chapel Hill, UCBerkeley). Still waiting on lotteries and Brown PLME. They have no financial constraints.

NW HPME discontinuation- Is that a hint that BSMD not worth since they lost IVY/MIT/Stanford kids by doing that. My D will never go to NW over those schools unless BSMD. She has offer from NW BME but no match to JHU full schol so NW is out.

The reason NU HPME was cancelled is stated to achieve university wide diversity goals in medical school. It was populated by mostly rich ORMs, IMO.

I can’t imagine myself applying to Drexel if am choosing a selective list of 3 programs. I can understand having it on the list, if broadly applied to BSMD programs. That tells kid has preference for it- let it be living in Philly, quarter system, semester-long co-ops to name a few. Unless one has good scholarship its very expensive. And, they had issue with their hospital system few years ago impacting 30 percent of Drexel’s students that were in clinical clerkships at the hospital. I am sure it’s all sorted out by now.

Being that said there are very happy kids at that school. As long as the kid is making informed decision and understands finances, all will be good.


Can experts comment on how StonyBrook match looks like ( link above by @cheer2021 ) and give feedback to ignorant like me. How does it compare to other BSMD schools or top MD schools?

For D, as of now SB BSMD, JHU , and Columbia with D tilting towards Columbia and I prefer SBU. My reasoning is avg. but good school with least cost and her is you do UG only once in life. Both are valid and I will abide by her decision.

There are no such hints.

They discontinued it on the grounds that they were not getting enough diversity in the program.
In fact, they do not meet their diversity goals through the regular route as well.
will they close down the medical school? No, right.

Northwestern has many top notch programs.

Whether to join a college or not is a very personal decision.
I only wish your D the y very best.

Interestingly nearly 40% of NU students are in some of work-study/ grants/ scholarships.
The balance 60% indirectly subsidize the 40% in-need students.

I do NOT know how much weightage NU places on ability to pay.

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Any idea on when Union/AMC will announce for those they said were under consideration in prior email?