Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Does your D know what kind of specialty to do residency in ? Any one can get into any type of residency from any medical school via NRMP.

Makes sense but you can never trust what is stated publicly.

For example they could have selected few kids holistically for diversity as they control whom to select ( like IVY claim).

In any case, NW is a good school but no top tier 1 will go anymore unless full ride- BSMD perhaps gets few of those kids from IVYs. They know all this and pointless for us to discuss.

@compengineer1 I like to look at quality of internal medicine matches to evaluate match lists (for a number of reasons, I think it’s a decent surrogate for the overall reputation of a med school). Looking at past couple years, ~25-35% match at T30 academic programs, only 1-2 a year at T5 programs - so reflective that it’s a mid-tier med school. At top tier med schools >60% will match at T30 programs. Back in the day I turned down Duke, Dartmouth for a mid-tier BS/MD and while I certainly don’t regret it, I can see why your D would prefer the elite undergraduate institution experience


Same here - still waiting. They said April In the
‘still under consideration’ email

@dblazer - Thanks. Her logic defines everything. You do UG only once so go for the best possible.

No one will know the other side that is not chosen. But she will not be happy at BSMD at SBU if I try to convince her unless she is convinced herself.

Think I am thinkin in right direction but have to pay more $$$!!!

Anyone who interviewed for AMC late February hear back yet?

Once you are a board certified MD, no one may care about your UG or medical school and you would be paid exactly the same amount by medicare, insurance payers. REMS is a solid program and you should take it, IMO.


I agree you should not ignore IM speciality match destination quality as IM match numbers are high for any schools

Kids change mind and looking at speciality match can be deceiving

Looking for specialist for loved one would look at where the md specialist was trained in residency or fellowship ?

You have a choice to pick up a provider in PPO and HMO setting

So what is more imp.? Where did Fellowship or residency or even BS -haha!!!

Not knowing anything, I pick big names. But many Columbia and Princeton Docs also are not worth visiting 2nd time many times. My Cornell UG/MD endo screams at me as I reversed insulin based diabetes with diet and she forced tonnes of insulin on me- She has no clue on diet. She screams when I ask her to get more blood tests.

On other hand my Daughters pediatrician from Caribbean MD/Rutgers UG ( claims Valedictorian) is wonderful lady and does all the test requested and good to talk to. After D’s initial doc retired, I was reluctant with her initially but love her now over most.

Bottomline, Cornell is meaningless if you scream and Caribbean MD could be wonderful!!!

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Fellowship > residency > medical school > undergrad


@grtd2010 @SeekingAdvice123 - i strongly agree. REMS is a legit and respectable program and will unlikely be the reason why one doesn’t get into one’s residency of choice.

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So just take the lowest cost BSMD if no one cares which school you went to.

Perhaps end of college confidential then!!

No. We interviewed end of Feb and still waiting to hear back…

How I look at it is with BS MD a you are locking your undergrad and med school options with almost close to certainty

What you need to evaluate is cost and fit for the next challenges after med school which are more important

if planning on a clinical practice, your statement is a reasonable one (accounting for other factors as well - fit, finance, geography, etc.). one would have to put in more work (EC, research, etc.) if shooting for a brand name residency position. but clinically, reimbursement is the same regardless of UG, MS, Res, Fel, gender, age, ethnicity - it’s based on the codes that one bills for. however, there may be value in a brand name med school if planning on an academic career (e.g. department chair, running a residency program, MD/PhD etc.). but also keep in mind what @sam2024 stated - Fellowship > residency > medical school > undergrad. thus, it’s what you have done most recently that counts. as for competitive medical specialties, one will have to put in the work regardless of where one is. since it’s more difficult to do research during medical school, most students who hope to get in to top competitive residency programs usually have to put in the work before medical school (e.g. during UG or GAP years).


you guys are like Ali vs. Frazier

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Did your sister go thru BS/DO path to Rowan DO or via traditional path?

I believe in staircase approach, go up one step at a time. I told S last time, he can take Vandy with money over UPenn and JHU and again target those for medical school or residency or fellowship. He got his step up for medical school, hopeful he will continue that and go to the highest step by the time he is done with his education and training.

Ignorant engineer, non-medical parent here. What is IM in ‘IM speciality match’ ?
Thank you