Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Does she have admissions to any ECE/CS UG now ?. It seems she has only BME/ChE admissions as per your posts. It is still possible to do ECE/CS by changing major after enrolling with BME/ChE major. Most engineering majors go through some introductory courses during first year.


At Columbia easy to change major. At JHU easy to change from BME to other, not the other way around.

Some schools like Rice etc. very flexible with major change within engg or from engg to science.

On another hand virtually impossible to change to BME JHU from other major. At CMU/Austin, it is virtually impossible to change ( need perfect GPA and many other stuff) to ECE/CS.

This year my D’s letter from CMU has allowed her to change within a year within engg. The letter states that. As there is no BME, she applied to ChE as first choice and pure science ( where CS is) as second choice. For my son, CS was first and ECE second.

Personally, I agree with you. JHU BME or SBU BS-MD is the best with free UG rides.

Columbia full pay should not be even a consideration when you have JHU free ride as the option. Columbia is no way better than JHU by whatever dollars $$$ difference.

You should discuss finances with your D. Inform her of cons of taking on huge loan for Columbia.


Nope- She is not interested in CS/ECE and is the first bio in family. She was offered scholarship for Data Science class by prestigious Courant- I had to force her to take it. She enjoyed though- Can use Python in Bioinformatics or computational biology.

Would you like to share your BS/MD experience here? It might help many others here to hear the real story directly. Or I am interested at least, please DM me.

You may be able to persuade her to take SBU BSMD (not a bad choice #55 research ranking). It is you who control the purse.
This will end all discussion about various engineering branches and respective rankings.

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Ya I would love some real story from students undergoing BSMD and who sacrificied better schools. I talked to few moms but they were only boasting about how great the kid was and how top RPI is ( including arguing that you need 3.9 plus at RPI to continue in RPI/Albany and how her D was crying when she got first A- in 3rd semester)- mom claimed many chucked out of the program ( think she was too hyperbolic).

Would love students view.

What is the purpose of BME major? BME majors generally have lower GPA’s than regular biology or other majors. In addition, the actual major you select doesn’t have any impact on med school admission.

What are your other undergrad options?


Agreed. Will see what unfolds in next few weeks.

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BME major is not so appealing. It is basically a mixture of a few engineering discipline’s courses - mainly mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and others.

Pick ur battles. You should have upper hand for finances but she has upper hand regarding what she wants to study, Chem Engg or Biomed Engg etc…

Myself and my spouse both are in CS and doing well. Inspite of much convincing (life being easy with CS etc.) kids didn’t like CS at all. Actually after taking CS AP class in high school, were even more convinced that CS is not for them!

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I see myself in your 2nd paragraph. :laughing:

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The kids have seen your life in silicon valley !!!.

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I feel like I am watching Groundhog Day movie 10th time :stuck_out_tongue:


If your D is able to get full ride at JHU BME, she can surely handle SBU BSMD. Why doubt her abilities now ?

@coolparent21 @compengineer1 I’ve thought about writing a reflection on my experience down the road but would rather wait until I complete my training in order to offer a better perspective. To summarize my medical journey so far, mid-tier BS/MD (PSU/SKMC) → upper mid-tier IM residency → T5 heme/onc fellowship → ??. Anyone is welcome to DM me if they think my perspective could be helpful


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The Second paragraph is our story as well. It felt as if I was writing it. :pray:

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