Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)


$ 1 M may be a little exaggeration. It is a demanding (Work-Life balance) specialty.

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D not liking CS, our story, both of us and our older son are physicians and did not want D to go that route, but she cannot see herself doing anything else except Medicine. Made her shadow different professions for 2 years but that did not help.


D took middle ground- double major in CS and Biological Sciences.


bump… Can someone help me with this.

You are keen on Union/AMC, so go with it.

Kicker is 550K, if you can afford out of pocket go with it. For me even if I able to afford I won’t spend that kind of money for BS/MD carrot.

D took middle ground and has done both CS and Biological Sciences.

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Vandy has Scientific Computing minor so S is doing that.

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Note that 1M is only for Established PRIVATE PRACTICE Physicians


Most of current generation don’t want to work long hours and also wants to stay in happening cities, not in the middle of corn fields or bayou.


Thats what I thought. But there are different options for this. If you are in a academic institute salaries are much lower in 200K, in private hospitals salaries in 300 -400k. In private practice it can jump up to 1 million.

I am sure that 1M PP comes with similar price tag for the facility and equipment needed to run that PP.


Since you are a family of physicians, curious to know your particular reasons for trying to discourage your D for medicine? would you be comfortable sharing?

Our thought process is its just hard for girls to manage a full blown career and home, everything said and done the ultimate responsibility of managing the home falls on the lady of the house and she has to make adjustments in her career, so why not start off with a career that will not be as demanding. You only need so much money to live a comfortable life so why run after making so much money. But now that she has decided that she does not want to do anything else besides medicine we will support her to the hilt.


Most procedures are not done in office but outpatient surgical and/or hospital facilities. There is a substantial overhead for PP so a lot sharing is done.

And liability insurance is very high for PP.


1 Million in private practice is easily doable in the northeast with cardiology and other top specialties. I know an allergy specialist making 800K in private practice as a low tier specialty.

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It will definitely help many in this forum. So take your time and post in the BS/MD experience thread since this one will be of no use in 2 months. Thanks.

Accepted to RPI/AMC


I definitely think the frustration is making its way to adcoms- kiddo got a “likely” email from Duke today even though decisions are Monday. They changed their admission date and kept people in the dark for a while. I think this was a quick outreach to fix some damage.