Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Nothing wrong if the kid does not want to look CC. My C never used. The only thing you need to do is one (rather 2) write check & don’t open your mouth.

If I open my mouth, I hear some one saying “I don’t need any advise”. I tell my spouse, did I say anything when I have not even uttered a word?

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if you apply same rule to spose also you will be treated like Buddha :crazy_face:


I am new to the forum, would you be able to help with UG choices for premed, I can send you the list of options we have.

Thank you!

Drexel UG is not worth the price, IMO.

I also hear some one saying…”STOP” :roll_eyes:

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And my D always says Blah Blah Blah!!!

She has fun with soccer gals more than anything else- I learned about D1 soccer etc. through son. All my sons and daughters premier club soccer teammates are playing college soccer mostly D3 but few D1. My D’ 2 close friends will play D1 ( one at UAlbany and other near Long Island- She ranks 5th in class with Dad ChE UG from Penn state).

My son could have played for Clarkson but decided not to play inspite lot of pressure from soccer parents- you only play 4 years in UG.

Soccer was fun part of kids school journey.

How many sons and daughters you have? :slight_smile:

TCNJ Honors 4k vs UDel Honors 15k merit aid. We are in state for TCNJ but UDel has EA program with Jefferson.

Senior members, please add your thoughts.

One of each- If son had joined Clarkson, he could have played. RPI was also close but not guaranteed soccer place in team ( Coach said if he joins RPI, he needs to try out again unlike guaranteed spot folks who start in summer). Obviously, both are D3.

He decided on UT- Austin that has no soccer and all D1 sports- Football, BB etc. He loves everything at Austin except ECE/CS!!!

UDel Honors COA ( 37 k for OOS with -15k ) vs TCNJ COA (32 k IS with -4k)

  • IMO, 5k difference with a chance for EA with Jefferson favors UDel.
    Do not you have Rutgers-NB as an option ?

Thank you for your advice @GoldenRock , passed it on to the parent.

Same at our home.
Both parents in CS, kids steered way clear of tech for career, though older one is a savvy programmer.

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Lived in Austin for 6 months and worked at IBM back in 90s. It’s a nice city and still have friends there. Used to go to Chuy’s frequently and few years back I found out it became a big chain!

Think remember you partying at 6th street!!

Hope you do as well or were too high!!

Think very few cities come close to Austin - Party town with 2nd best night life after NOLA or perhaps even 1st as college town.

Looking for advise from seniors members. My son has JHU (no scholarship) for BME, NJIT/NJMS (Full tuition ride) and Case Western (UG) with $30,000. Any suggestions? He is still waiting for few IVY’s and Case Western BS/MD results.

I never went to any of those places, too old by then and not into music. My only interest is food. Nashville is a good town too.

Same here. A family of engineers and software engineers. Son does not want to do anything with CS. Daughter wants the best of the both worlds. She did gene correlation using neuroinformatics for Alzheimer population last year and is working on Some tool for CRISPR-CAS9 screens for NIH website in python. And she shadowed a robotic minimally invasive live surgery(that’s her aim to be one).


Think most kids love Austin. I loved too.

Again most Engg ( and business) rank T10 with ChE 3 at Austin but no one goes there if IVY ChE - this is the dilemma. Am sure Newsweek gets tonnes of money by hyping IVYs.

@ Ditto- Daughter did something on Alzheimers and also CRISPR at Cornell.

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What is your son’s aspirations and goals?