Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@grtd2010 @rk2017 @PPofEngrDr

I have always emphasized ratio of PRIMARY CARE matches to total. PRIMARY CARE is more than Internal medicine - includes, for example, family medicine. This is a important distinction which @grtd2010 missed.
Yes, I agree for certain specialties like cardiology, you have to do internal medicine residency before you specialize into cardiology.

Yes, I do believe a medical school with approx 30% primary care ratio in residency matches (e.g. NU, BU) should be considered higher than one with approx 36% primary care ratio (e.g. Rochester) and definitely better than one with approx 48% primary care ratio (e.g. AMC).

You are free to believe otherwise. Your choice.

Re: Research: Let’s take an hypothetical example of a “star” researcher who gets $100 million to do stem-cell research for blood cancer. Great news for that researcher and the university. You know what that $100 million now pulls up that university research dollars per professor. Even if there are NO other professors doing any substantial research. And US News will factor that in its ranking and give that college a bump.
So, I believe, research dollars skews US News ranking.

Is my approach better? For me personally, yes. Because it focuses on where students matched - which is what as a parent I am most interested in - OUTCOMES!

Again, you are free to believe otherwise. Your choice.


@rk2017 has provided the links.

HPME interviews last year were on-on-one.
There were atleast two interviews - one with a physician and another with a person from the HPME Director’s office.
HPME Director was out of the country during our interviews.

These are non-stressful “traditional” interviews.

Congrats @Mahikesh

@BarkLouder Just a confirmation that you want to be an Accelerated Upstate Medical Scholar?

It may be just a step in the process. Again, if you have questions, call the admissions office and clarify.

Does NW HPME lay more emphasis on research or on shadowing or volunteering? Given all candidates invited for interview are stellar from an academic achievement perspective, what does HPME look for in an interviewee when making decisions? i.e. what stands out?


Yes, the big grants of a handful of high profile faculty can skew the results. To avoid that, more well known rating organizations (Times higher, with which Wall Street Journal partners for U.S. college rankings, QS World etc) use other metrics such as the total publications across the complete spectrum for a given institution and the number of such publications with high impact as judged by High Index Citations. They also use the research funding of an institution but in a more sophisticated manner than US News does. Also some of them use the feedback from Employers as one of the criteria to reflect the ground realities or “Outcomes” of the education. That’s why I recommend folks to refer to more established and reputed agencies if they were to use the ratings in their decision making.

Did anyone get their application forwarded from TCNJ to NJMS? If so, did TCNJ send emails out about whether the application has been forwarded or not? We did not receive any notification from TCNJ yet

Usually how many get accepted to UAB EMSAP?
When I looked here, seems 7+1 dental got accepted for that year.

I believe it is around 15. For some reason they had so few for 2022, perhaps more numbers of those accepted chose not to enroll, but the prior batches had between 12-17 (click on the panels).

@bamd, DD has just contacted TCNJ about her application status. She had her interview early January but hasn’t heard anything from either TCNJ or NJMS. I’ll let you know when she gets response from TCNJ. When did you have your TCNJ interview? One of members here got his (or her) NJMS interview invite early last week.

@NoviceDad and other senior members

Reg your comment “I do believe a medical school with approx 30% primary care ratio in residency matches (e.g. NU, BU) should be considered higher than one with approx 36% primary care ratio (e.g. Rochester) and definitely better than one with approx 48% primary care ratio (e.g. AMC).”

I thought REMS is better than BU
one can talk about all matching stats but the student experience, enrichment, research opportunities at REMS are far better than BU.

Regarding AMC, one has to take a different look at RPI/AMC vs other AMC. Students from AMC do far better in the program than other feeder schools and traditional route students. The involvement of AMC students with mandatory research and the special track they continue to be even after joining AMC distinguishes them. Matching stats or US news rankings etc do not reflect these aspects. I know folks who place RPI/AMC above BU and PLME. So, it’s very subjective.

I also see a lot of bias from the parents on the schools that their kids go to :slight_smile: 
nothing wrong with that but it just reflects their knowledge of that program (or lack of other programs)

@Bsmd2019 - TCNJ phone interview was done mid January and didnt hear back from them yet

with all ranking/rating hoopla, who is authoring the book the art of the ranking!!!

@RedMan108 Are you saying RPI students are well prepared for getting good residencies compared to other feeder schools (Union/Sienna) or any other UG normal route students? Can you please share stats that you may have?

@NoviceDad Yes. It is only from Upstate Medical and not from Purchase. It does not ask you to put down a deposit, it is just asking that if you choose to go to Purchase, that you are accepting a seat at Upstate Medical

@bamd Hey! I was invited by NJMS for an interview last week through TCNJ. I wouldn’t sweat it if you didn’t get one yet though
 I believe TCNJ was interviewing people for several weeks, so it’s probably still being processed. You could also try contacting them for more information if you’d like. Meanwhile, just keep an eye out in your inbox.

Also, I see a lot of talks here about matching and primary care % ratios for medical schools. I am still quite new to this process of 7/8 yr program admissions and medical schools in general. Why is a school where more students match into primary care residencies considered “lower” than schools where students don’t? Isn’t the US going to have an enormous primary-care shortage in the coming years? Sorry again, I really don’t know much this stuff.


Supply and demand is not necessarily tied to quality of education. e.g. in terms of engineering, CS is a high demand major in industry. It doesn’t mean all CS graduates have equal value and education. Similarly all primary care are from accredited medical school, still there would be a significant difference in quality of those physicians.
In engineering world, colleges release average salary and employers info. A few years trend is very noticeable that CS major at mediocre school earns significantly less than reputed school. Unfortunately medical is not being treated same way and hence lots of folks like me and you have heck of time to understand medical schools.

@bsmdalien HPME dates given to us are 2/14, 2/20, 2/21

@NoviceDad Thanks

Can someone provide visibility into typical number of interview invites sent for HPME and how many are offered admission?