Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Please post here if you are applying during the 2018-2019 season.

would a 3.89 gpa be competitive?

@futuremd07 Yes, 3.89 GPA is certainly competitive. However, as you might have seen from 2018 and previous years threads, GPA is just one factor in the big mix. SAT/ACT scores, EA’s, volunteering, research etc. play an equally important role. There seem to be no known formulae to get into these programs as various universities look for different aspects, some focus on research while others on volunteer hours etc. Please share your other accomplishments so that the CC experts could share their input. Good luck!

I know quite a few with 4.0 GPA and perfect SAT/ACT who did not even get an interview. So while GPA-ACT/SAT is not everything having good scores is certainly an advantage.

current BSMD results ?

Ashbab their are some results on this link

Which school offers BSMD beside University of Cincinnati in Ohio? I heard University of Toledo isn’t truly a BSMD program? Thank you.

howdy everyone! thanks @RedMan108

Has anyone heard if the texas tech bs/md program is really competitive? What about Baylor/Baylor? I just want to see what my chances are of getting in and yes, I am aware that only 6 are able to attend the Baylor program.

Almost all of the TX bs/md programs are for Texas residents only. So, if you are a TX resident and even if the program is a competitive you might stand a decent chance given your credentials are decent. Rice/Baylor is the only bs/md open to all other residents.

Is GWU a better BS/MD program or Boston? Any views?

GWU has 2 advantages. 1. Based on my understanding, you are not locked in like other BS/MD programs, at the end of 3 years you can opt out of the program to pursue MD at your place of choice (based on your MCAT and other achievements) 2. The chances of getting financial award (merit) are much higher than at BU.

However BU’s program outshines in all other aspects, the number of candidates that matriculate into the program every year (25-30 vs.10), rigor, reputation, research etc. and is considered one of the “top-tier” programs in the BS/MD realm (though it doesn’t really matter)

I agree with the above, BU is pretty handily better than GWU.

Besides the cost factor (which may not even be the case, since a decent amount of kids in the program supposedly get very, very generous scholarship), I really see no benefit of GWU over BU, especially since BU is consistently judged as a top 25 med school.

I’d love to hear if anyone has thoughts on Brooklyn and Hofstra for BSMD.


If I read correctly what you were saying about the cost factor (at BU), no, not too many kids in the program get generous offers on merit. The rationale, as I remember hearing from some one, is that they don’t want to give the kids in the program any more advantage in terms of merit scholarships than the rest of the kids in their 7 schools and keep the rate more or less on par with the rest. Otherwise, the kids in this program, 25-30 of them, all highly meritorious, will bag significant scholarship money at the expense of other programs.

I would imagine the percentage of kids in the program getting scholarships is no more than at the most twice the overall percentage across all its schools. Of course, if some one in the program qualifies for financial aid, they have similar chances as the rest of the student population.

In case of GWU, I don’t think they make that distinction, since their intake is so small ~10 that it hardly matters even if all of them are given merit awards.

I’ll defer to you on this, the only thing I’ve heard about the number of scholarship BU gives out is from two kids currently entering the program.


Isn’t Brooklyn College a NY resident only program? I visited last year, and while the undergrad campus wasn’t in the best of places, the director of the program was a really nice guy and left a great impression.

Hofstra is a great program (their medical school was my favorite out of all the programs I was accepted into), and they had the most organized interview day.

@GreenPoison Thanks! favors NY but accepts OOS applications. We are in NY so that is a good option for us. Hofstra looks amazing. Do you or anyone else know what the average ACT score is for that program? D has a 34 and will not be retaking so hope thats enough!

Looks like BU’s BS/MD is clearly the first choice. Thanks for all the info!!


Looks like the students you knew entering the BU program got some awards, that is awesome. Not sure if they increased the scholarship funding in the current cycle.

But I know two students in the earlier cycles, who weren’t awarded any awards (and still chose to join). Just to give an idea, one of them is from a nationally well know STEM high school, graduating at the top of his batch with near perfect gpa and had research publication(s) to his credit, with stellar figures in everything else (ACT, subject tests, APs etc).

The other from a top notch high school in NJ, again near the top of his class, 36 ACT, 800s in 3 subject tests etc.


I’m pretty sure Hofstra didn’t post or mention any of the accepted students stats. If I had to guess though, I would think that the average act would likely be a 35, with a range of 33-36.