Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

3.7 GPA at Boca isn’t terrible to do, except for maybe the math courses. HC is difficult, as the physics I/II prof, one calc I/II prof, and some of the humanities profs can be picky and subjective in grading.

Edit: I should clarify that with respect to Boca, the math professors just never seem to be any good. As for other subjects (especially any humanities electives or cores), consult ratemyprofessor. There are some odd ones.

You can select the HC on the general FAU application. HC now takes Common App too, I think. But if you are applying for Fall of 2020, you need to have your application to both FAU and HC in by December 15 to be considered for the med scholars. You’ll know then if you’re being considered if you get an interview in Feb. Applications open in August, but the cycle for students starting in Fall 2019 is closed.

@PPofEngrDr @NoviceDad @rk2017

Thank you all.No they did not announce any package yet… looks like we will get shortly as per previous years threads.

@SBSapphire Albany College of Pharmacy

@Maculata - Are you current BSMD student at FAU?

How many here got NU Hpme interview notifications ?

@NoviceDad So you are a fan of Black Swan events and Nassim Taleb work.

class of '20 here. I have a question regarding Hofstra quality

While I don’ know if the match list is a good indicator of med school quality, no student matched into dermatology, while only 2 matched ortho. Should that be concerning when I apply next year?

@8thgradekid Sure, You should apply and keep your options open. Worry about Match list when you have several options to choose from. Keep up your GPA to be competitive.

@NJDad00 Some times one has option to apply outside of BSMD program to other medical schools via traditional route. One can transfer out to a different UG program. It is a very personal choice based on several factors. BTW, Temple LKSOM is a very good medical school.

Temple LKSOM is actually the 6th most applied to medical school, and they have the specialties to sport.

For all who applied to Oklahoma, interviews will be released next week.

Interesting discussions. Prompted me to tell our story …

Based on our elder DS’ experience at UCSD BSMD (he started several years ago) we would not change a thing wrt attending a BSMD program. He got accepted to several top 10 UG schools and initially, while he regretted missing out on the prestige factor from those UG schools, he’s extremely happy with the route he took. Many of his fellow students who wanted to become physicians and decided to go to top UG schools have switched fields for one reason or another. This is not to say that they’re dissatisfied. Perhaps they weren’t as committed to the medical field as much as my DS was. Ultimately they’re all doing well which is what’s important.

Our younger DS on the other hand, didn’t have the same credentials as the older one but went through the BSMD process nevertheless as he’s really interested in doing medicine like his older brother. He has had couple of interviews so far, so will see. But he’s quite happy going the traditional route if need be. He understands the crap shoot BSMD is.

I know for parents with 1st kids going to college these times are especially anxious especially BSMD. But it’s important to keep things in perspective: Let the right school/program find the students as opposed to the other way around. I

This has been a great forum for information…thx to folks who take time out to contribute. Wish you all the best…just my $0.02

@grtd2010 actually my D and I liked LKSOM … newly built and well kept school compared to others we visited…

@whitecane congratulations… is it a good program? My D got into that as well… do they give scholarships?

If you are referring U of Rochester, it is a good program for both BS and MD. They do give merit scholarship, partial 20-25k/year. There are folks who joined in 2016 cycle. Heard they do have tunnels between building, so sunny CA folks don’t worry about cold!

They also personalized the undergrad admissions letters – a nice touch indeed.

@@smilescreen and @Jasonb5…yes NMF gets complete cost if attendance to FAU and Smilescren you can pick your campus…we liked the Boca Campus…

Yes, I like his work and his blunt style.
I liked “Fooled by Randomness” more than “Black Swan.”

I have not read his latest “Skin in the game.”
On my list to read.

Hofstra medical school is good.
Apply there and worry about overall options once you have all offers.
You should make your assessment about it’s undergrad though.

Re: Dermatology.
One Adcom had told me, you need Step1 score >245 and more importantly an average of 7 research papers on be in the game.

Re: Ortho
Step 1 score > 245 to be in consideration.