Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


If you want to review statistics on residency matches, this is the website to follow:

@positivelybsmd @NoviceDad @PPofEngrDr 
UIC-GPPA you can do in 7yrs do not have to do 8yrs

Lot of kids from my son’s school have done it in 7yrs

@positivelybsmd - The expectation is that it’s very hard to do private practice and compete with big hospitals going forward, so medical school/residency/fellowship connections may become critical just like other majors. In NorCal we are already seeing private practices being bought out by big hospitals. Also, lot of millennials don’t want to deal with the paperwork/insurance companies.


The residency match data from the site are the stats of the matches at a given med school and not from a med school right? By At any given school I mean residents coming mostly from other institutions, though a minority can be from its own medical school and pursing residencies at the given school.

By from a med school I mean, 100% of students from a med school spreading out to different residencies across the country, with some of them going to their own. So I think we still need to refer to individual med school websites to get this information about their match results (which won’t be available for days or weeks for 2019 
 so I carried out that exercise)

Congratulations and All the very best.

Agree with your assessment.

Good point on UIC

@NoviceDad @rk2017 - I noticed that as well. Why do you think Penn State appear a little stingy with their scholarships when Temple and UPitt appear to be more generous with scholarships?


Perhaps @NoviceDad is the right person to comment. I personally don’t know much about Temple and so can’t comment. With Penn State program you are saving a year whereas with UPitt you are losing one. So may be some kind of balancing or compensating act for the “opportunity cost” ?

Also UPitt doesn’t seem to have any constraints on deciding who to give scholarships since those decisions seem to happen independently and well in advance of BS/MD decisions. Whereas other programs do have those restrictions in place such as for instance NU not giving any merit awards at all and BU capping how many kids in the BA/MD program get it.

Quick Question: How good is the VCU program? How does the ranking of the undergrad affect acceptance to more prestigious med schools?

@sajju786 , would you say that the kids from your school took only 7 years at GPPA since they continued to matriculate to UIC Medical school rather than try to apply out? We know of 5 kids from our local area that took gap years in hopes to apply out in the recent years.

@srk2017 I agree with your comments of the state of medical practice. In addition, PA (physician assistants) are taking many of the roles and responsibilities that primary care physicians once did. In fact we have heard PAs refer to their schools as “med school.” While their path is not the same as a true medical school they seem to feel as if they are in med school and thus call it that. The PA career path benefits from being less exposed to medical malpractice suits than a true medical doctor. It makes one wonder and weigh the path of pursuing a medical career when there are so many negatives stacked against physicians. At some point the costs out weigh the benefits of this career path.

@positivelybsmd Everything you are saying is so true. I’m amazed that so many people still want medical school. I keep thinking that others will wake up to the problems with the profession and med school will be come less competitive but that never seems to happen.

Any views about the residency match after pursuing the Augusta BS/MD 7 year program?

Thoughts on SLU 8yr vs Johns Hopkins UG Pre Med ? Thinking if kid is good enough for JHU then should be able to manage to get in SLU medical school as a medscholar

Congrats to everyone who got accepted in the past few days!

@dooblydoo We visited VCU this past summer, their campus and program are not that impressive and we even did not apply for it after the visit.

@NoviceDad @sajju786 @positivelybsmd
UIC has one issue you need to take into consideration, students can be assigned to Peoria or Rockford or UIC medical school and you only know that before entering medical school. Off course students can apply to outside medical schools without losing seat at one of those medical schools if they can get high MCAT Score, GPA, etc.

Also UIC gives credit to lot of AP Courses as well

@OldSchoolMD @rk2017

PA is a cash-strapped State.
This reflects in their high in-state undergrad fees.

They believe they are better than UPitt and Temple (for undergrad) and more importantly, they just do not have the money.

PA gives about $240 million to PennState which has a budget of $6.5 billion. And a chunk of it goes to Hershey medical school and the Ag college.

UPITT and Temple uses scholarships to lure students who are thinking of PennState towards their universities. Scholarships make it financially attractive.
Competitive pressures.

@positivelybsmd @gallentjill

It depends who is bearing the costs.

For example, malpractice Insurance costs for ER doctors can run into tens of thousands. In a situation I knew it was > $50k. But ER doctors are not paying that cost - it is borne by the hospital.
In the same manner, Ob/Gyn docs face high malpractice costs. Again it depends on who is paying that costs.
Also, PA’s compensation is pretty much capped.