Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Congratulations to each and everyone who got in,. exciting news.

Congratulations to everyone who got acceptances

@OldSchoolMD Didn’t someone already post that Stonybrook invites had gone out a while ago?

@NoviceDad can you please explain to me why you feel that Pitt program should be my DS’s number one choice? It it based on US News reports ranking for research and primary care? The requirement to maintain the GPA at 3.75 or high seems quite steep compared to other programs. Do you know if Pitt UG is grade deflated? How would we try to find out this information? There was an old post on College Confidential which I had printed out but it did not include University of Pittsburgh, UIC, or Penn State so I cannot evaluate UG based on this post.

@NoviceDad , what is the reasons why PMM should be strongly considered over GPPA? Is it because this program is a 7 year program and the GPPA program is an 8 year program? The ranking, size of med school class, and residency matches seem similar.

@positivelybsmd @NoviceDad if GPPA is an option, home field advantage will go long way then a mere year here and there, unless DS has another dream school.

@gallentjill - Yes. That’s why I was concerned that we hadn’t heard or received anything. I believe it may have to do with Stony Brook having three different honors programs there which they can apply to the Scholars for Medicine program - Honors College, University Scholars, WISE (Women in science and engineering). So each of the three divisions may be reviewing their applicants separately, but I’m not sure about this. Anyway, instead of guessing, I called office directly this morning and got the response that I shared above. It sounds reasonable given we heard only one invite and one rejection from SB here in this thread. I know SBU may not be as popular but I would’ve expected more than two applicants here. Of course, it’s also possible that the SBU admissions office personnel I spoke to may just have been saying anything to get me off the phone. We’ll see. I’ll post when I get more info.

When does U of Rochester send out REMS final results?

Today (3/15) is Residency Match Day at various med schools. Mentioning here for the sake of those who may be selective on which program to choose from (if you have more than one) based on placements into specializations of the current students.

It may take days and even weeks for the results to be posted on their web sites. But if you can’t wait then you can perhaps do some digging on your own for analysis.

As an example (not that I had to), I went to BU school of medicine’s web site looked at the chart they posted showing the states and the numbers where their students matched, added them all up to get the total class size of 180 (Yes it is a much bigger class compared to last year’s 140 odd). Then I looked at the numbers posted on the web site for the major specialities by numbers and added up for Internal medicine, Pediatrics and Family medicine (they didn’t post of Obx/Gyn so guess it is not one with a significant number) and divided this sub total of 59 by the class size of 180 to get a primary care match rate of ~33%. That means about 67% matched into specialities.

Slightly higher than last year’s 30%, but that’s what generally happens for the bigger classes at any school. So nothing majorly surprising and inline with the good trend from last year.

@rk2017 Forgive my ignorance, is the idea that the lower number matching into primary, the better? Also, is OB/GYN considered primary? What about Emergency Medicine?


The advantage with UPitt is that they normally give you undergrad price breaks ranging from 15k to full rides, correct? Wheres other programs like Penn State won’t. So that may tip the scale in Pitt’s favor. I thought PMM had better match results than GPPA besides being 7 years? Not quite sure, I never followed such stuff earlier, but heard someone saying so here about PMM’s great match results.

Yes OB/GYN is considered primary care together with family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics.
Emergency medicine is not primary care.


No, not at all. In fact some of the most sought after fellowships can only be obtained going through these programs first, such as adult/pediatric cardiology, GI, nephrology, oncology, infectious diseases, fertility endocronology (as some one mentioned recently) etc.

However I just mentioned since some kids (or their parents?) seem to already know/sensitive to what they are going to pursue and may need this to make an informed decision.

As @WayOutWestMom pointed out earlier in some classifications Obx/Gyn is considered part of primary care and in some others it is not. So better to calculate both with and without if the information is known.

@medadmin2019 I was wondering the same thing
The current students said they were notified 2-3 weeks after the interview soooo hopefully soon (it’s been 2 weeks)

Congratulations to all the recent acceptances! My opinion is BSMD is the way to go if you intend to seek clinical practice.

Ok. So just received notification via email (not snail mail) from Stony Brook. Sorry for the confusion re: my previous post, but it appears that the different honors programs within SB each have their own way of notifying applicants within their program. Anyway, no interview invitation for DS.

I do NOT much about your daughter or your situation.
Which is the best program for her depends a lot on her and your unique situation.

Having said that, my view on the medical school is following:
UPitt, Jeff and UIC.

Being in IL, as @PPofEngrDr mentioned you may home-advantages for GPPA and you may want to factor that.

UPitt offers scholarships as @rk2017 mentioned.
Getting a 3.75 at UPitt is doable and I have not heard of any GAP students facing issues.
It is NOT grade deflated. (But like all schools, beware of weed out courses (eg. orgo)).
It is a research powerhouse and UPMC is right there.

PMM offers a number of advantages apart from 7-year.
It has a very manageable GPA requirements; it gives you credit for practically all your APs and gives you 3 attempts to get the required MCAT score. Jeff is an established medical school which has been allowed to increase it class size couple of years ago.

FYI, received an email from GPPA and they stated that although they don’t have exact figures students taking gap years in this program is on the rise. Partly due to the timing and preparation of the MCAT. In addition since the program is not binding, students take additional time if they chose to apply out.

@gallentjill @rk2017 @medadmin2019

Some medical schools put Ob/Gyn as primary care and others do not.
Considering the way insurances look at Ob/Gyn, I do NOT consider it in my definition of primary care.

Hi to all,
I have been on looking at this website religiously everyday but not posting . I have got lot of good information/knowledge through reading parents/students postings. My daughter has applied to several BS/MD programs.
I know that to get accepted in to this program is very hard .

Congratulations to everyone who got acceptances

My D got an email from Stony Brook today and she is not selected for interview.

My daughter got accepted at Temple University’s Health Scholar Program , SLU med Scholar program.
She went for HPME interview. ( which we were not expecting)
Still waiting for Rice/Baylor and some Undergraduate programs.