Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@gallentjill @srk2017


My career goal is to become a neurosurgeon or possibly a pediatric surgeon.

Did anybody else hear anything from NJMS? I didn’t receive any phone call
 does this mean rejection?

I think NJMS also comes out next week as well. Some kids just had interviews on Monday and so they have yet to be called



Where did you receive the behavioral sleep medicine research info?

@PPofEngrDr - That seems like a unpaid research intern position. As per admissions point of view, find out if that research leads to a poster or paper.

@neurochic - You need to see which schools have neurosurgery residency/fellowship programs and have faculty doing interesting research.

@srk2017 Do the schools themselves need neurosurgery residency programs or do the students apply out for residency as they do in other circumstances?

Neurosurgeons are one of the highest paid MDs. And one of the very hard to get residencies/specialty.
Here is 2019 residency match list for Neurosurgry

Neurosurgery/Average salary
$ 609,639

@BSMDQuest Any course you can take as long the pre-requirement for that course is fulfilled or waived.
First focus to complete all the pre-med related requirements and then start taking courses of interest. For example, my D did courses like Genetics, Neuro-biology, Molecular-Bio, Entomology, Human Physiology.

@PPofEngrDr Irrespective of research subject (Sleep or Crisper) any research opportunity helps to learn the basics on how research is done, the process, data analysis etc., So if your S interested, he can pursue. Depends on the school, there may be variations.

For example in my D school, she did research from 2-5th (4 semesters). The initial 3 semesters, they treated it as volunteer but you do get course credit (1-3 depending on the number of hours you need to spend. 2 credit around 8 hours/week). In the final semester (since she is the senior) they surprised her and told she will be paid some nominal amount. When paid, course credit won’t be given. She enjoyed and the interview in the school she got selected, they discussed a lot (coincidence the interviewer was interested in that area. Not every school interview paid that much detail on that research). She had a poster but no publication etc. There was a PI (she is very busy) but was assigned to work with a Post-Doc fellow in the PI lab. Hope this helps to get an idea.

@gallentjill Interesting Match in 2019 in Neurosurgery, You do not have to attend a highly ranked medical school.

Univ. of Illinois at Chicago has a student from AMC as Neurosurgery resident.
Univ. of California/San Diego has a student from Temple University SOM as Neurosurgery resident.
Wayne State University has a student from NJMS as Neurosurgery resident.

USC has a student from University of Oklahoma COM as Neurosurgery resident.

@grtd2010 @rk2017 @srk2017 @GoldenRock thanks for info, i like to add as well my son is doing this as NU UG Freshman currently and was wondering how significant this can be with my limited medical nuances knowledge.

Guess I am late to the party.
I tend to agree with @GoldenRock - any research opportunity is good.
There is a lot of research in the area of sleep or lack of it and it’s implications.
Seems interesting to me.



How about a research study on lack of sleep caused by addiction to college confidential? I bet we could recruit a large number of test subjects!

I volunteer as a test subject.

Having interested speciality in the school attending helps with research opportunities but not requirement. If you look at good residency programs you find some matches from so called low tier schools also. Again it depends on students, they need to seek the opportunities outside of their school if needed. Most BSMD applicants already went thru that so shouldn’t be an issue.

One of our patient is doing a neurosurgery residency in New York after completing BSMD from Brooklyn/Suny Downstate program (he turned down Cornell for BSMD)
 He has informed me that grades and step scores are not everything. Successful candidates must engage in a research in neurosurgery while in medical school. Another case is with a dermatology resident at U Chicago medical school. Although her step scores are not stellar like most of dermatology residents, she was able to get into the program networking with the dermatology department while doing a pediatric residency at U Chicago medical school. Networking is key here! Make friends!

At the college level it’s not the topic itself would matter, but just being engaged in research itself with passion would be more important since it would show on your writing and during the interview.

Good luck!

@PPofEngrDr - You need to spend more time on the other site :wink:

As per that site only 5% of medical students have publications and only top 20 schools care more about research. Others look for clinical and non-clinical experiences.

@upstream ,
I saw another post where someone turned down Cornell for Brooklyn/SUNY Downstate BAMD (though a recent example than yours). Is it possible to get a contact for your patient /contact ? Or have him pm me? Thanks