Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Sophie Davis acceptances in an email today at 4:30.

It is the 46th entering class.
Please share all feedback, please.
Concerns with new medical school being now their own?


I personally don’t know anyone at either program. But my general understanding is that both are good if you made up your mind on medicine. Brooklyn is more established, will probably save you a bundle but the facilities may be somewhat rundown. Both the MCAT requirements are reasonable targets and achievable for any student on this forum.

Hofstra on the other hand seems to have newer facilities, good residency match lists (as per some who checked and posted here) but may be financially expensive. I wish they make their MCAT requirement a little more flexible by allowing more than a single attempt.

@rk2017 DD has been a CA ( Class Assistant who teaches a recitation session) and a RA (Research Assistant) during last summer. Hopefully, continue to do these in future.

Good to know that. D was reluctant to apply to academic related jobs even as she was approached to apply for such positions in the science courses she topped in (i.e. pretty much everything :smile: ) The reason she gave me is that even though she is a good thinker but not good in explaining to others and lacks patience to do so from her experience with fellow classmates (but I think the real reason is she wants to escape the routine grind of academics in any form)

@BSMDQuest A traditional route Bio/Chemistry major would have taken more upper level courses in biology, biochemistry, chemistry etc, They would have time to do some research during extra year. Perhaps, this may explain the difference. One may take classes in Anatomy, Physiology, advanced biochemistry, Genetics in UG that may help one during MS-1/MS-2. Most (3+4) program may not have time to do advanced course work in UG.

@rk2017 One plus point of academic jobs like CA/TA is you have to know what you are teaching and it may help in MCAT preparation (science subjects).

@grtd2010 - why wouldn’t a BAMD candidate be able to take the same courses?

At D’s school they don’t allow any non faculty members to take classes, not even the Ph.D students working closely with that Prof. Remember that when their Physics Prof went away for 2 weeks to CERN, another fellow faculty member and fellow Stanford alumnus filled in. The kids seemed to like the latter better since he was not talking above their heads like their regular Prof :smile:

@BSMDQuest The upper level courses have pre-requisites which are lower level courses. Unless you have already taken pre-requisites or have waivers, you may not be able to register for the upper level courses. You have only 3 years in UG compared to one extra 4th year via traditional route.

@grtd2010 - with the 7 year programs, they make you stay a summer, so it is more like 3.5 years in my mind in terms of the number of semesters, no?, guessing you wouldn’t extend that for the programs that are 4+4 - union, brooklyn, hofstra, plme

@BSMDQuest This all depends on individual program and AP or dual credits that you can transfer. Some times AP Chemistry credit may allow you to take Organic Chemistry in first year and AP Biology credit may allow you to take upper level Bio classes in first semester. It is a matter course sequencing and their availability during your 3 or 4 years in UG.

@srk2017 @rk2017 @grtd2010 @NoviceDad @GoldenRock @upstream @OldSchoolMD @gallentjill what to read/interpret following from research pov.

position of volunteer research assistant in the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Lab.
You’ll get new perspective on both the capabilities and limitations of this type of technology.
In addition to training in research methodology, we plan to have regular journal club meetings, in which you will participate in discussion of both foundational and cutting edge sleep research. We will also have presentations on other relevant topics, such as strategic approach to reading research articles, conducting literature reviews, and writing cover letters as well as the option to present on topics of interest to you, if you so desire. There will be an additional optional opportunity to participate in a small study utilizing existing data, from the formulation of a research question to statistical analysis, interpretation, and presentation.

“This opportunity should be quite helpful in preparing you to be a competitive candidate for an MD/PhD program.”

@PPofEngrDr These kind of activities are also done by student run club/societies like Biology, Chemistry or Neuroscience Journal clubs on campus. They also invite relevant faculty members to present their research. This may be helpful as a research activity in medical school application.

Thanks @rk2017, @NoviceDad, @DSOF20192023, @BSMDQuest and @gallentjill

If anyone knows someone in Brooklyn BAMD program, I would appreciate if you can share his/her I’d Or a contact.

DS just received call from NJIT, re: acceptance into NJIT/ NJMS BS/MD program.

Good luck to all others awaiting NJMS results. Expect the acceptance calls from feeder schools this evening.


I would say really depends on the interest of the student. I know lots of research is on going in areas like Circadian rhythm. Perhaps there was a Nobel or two awarded in those areas too, you may want to explore. Below is what I looked up, seems multi disciplinary within medicine, but again the student interest is the driving force. Does your S want to take it up or perhaps want to wait for other areas of more interest to him?


would that require a 10 hours/week commitment for entire academic year?

@PPofEngrDr Student run Journal clubs are also based on volunteers and may not need 10 hrs/week commitment. Is this a formal volunteer research job under a faculty supervision ?

@grtd2010 yes, not sure what is formal vs informal, but its volunteer research assistant (unpaid) with that time of commitment and suppose to work with Postdoctoral Fellow in SOM and other team members.

@PPofEngrDr So, it is a formal RA position under a PostDoc in SOM. He would be able to write a recommendation letter and sign as a PhD. UG RAs do work with a post doc who works under a Prof.
You can be a RA without getting paid.