Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@srk2017 My fear is that all the med schools will offer free tuition just as I’m done paying for my D. I’ll try hard not to be bitter!

@BlessedSSD3Dad thanks :slight_smile: it’s the only program I’ve got left to hear back from so hoping it comes soon, just wanna be done with the application process lol


Don’t worry, it is not going to happen :smile: and if it happens, you have another 4 years by which time your D can avail it. As a matter of fact even NYU started it just last year and the odds of getting in there will be close to 0 going forward (100 students out of > 10-20k applicants with all URM, socio economic, legacy and all those considerations to top it off)


Yes, but 3.5 < 3.75 … and few Bs (or C’s depending on the program) is not going to kill them.

@GoldenRock wow… being in center at half time in an OU game… it should be surreal experience… i am sure every weekend is like christmas in OU due to football, basketball, etc… My daughter loved that place when she was there for few months… Once a Sooner always a Sooner…

@grtd2010 your concern is very valid… when you walk outside the university, you get a weird feeling regarding safety… My D feels TCNJ is too small and she wants a big college experience… NJIT is not the best place but out of those two, it is better… Also, the Bio dept is too small in TCNJ and not sure of it… i know many loves TCNJ over Rutgers NB /NJIT … Atleast in NJIT, NJMS is closer for other activities…NJIT says that they encourage research activities from very first week… Not sure what they meant…Also, they have a nice dorm for honors students…

Since i am not a physician i dont know how to read the residency match list… is it good or bad?

Here is the match list… i see some big school names…

@Mahikesh NJIT and Rutgers-Newark (next door) Biology departments share resources/classes and NJIT’s Honors dorm is good. As long, one feels secure inside or walking around campus, it is a personal choice.
For a big college campus, Rutgers-NB is another option.


Disclaimer: I was in the exact same spot as your daughter last year, and ended up choosing TCNJ over NJIT.

I will say this: regardless of what you want, let your daughter make the decision. Don’t push or force her to go to NJIT just because its cheaper- my parents had the same mentality, and kept on pushing me to take the full ride.

However, if you can afford to, you can’t put a price on happiness- I know I wouldn’t have been happy spending 7 years in an inner city neighberhood. Especially since I came from a relatively affluent suburban neighborhood, I know I wouldn’t be able to adapt to a small campus surrounded by shady areas.

Regardless of the above, go to both admitted students day with an open mind- don’t limit yourself to just one option, and listen to the opinion of current students in the program.


This is true. Certain undergrads have different MCAT requirements for matriculation into NJMS. This was one of the biggest factors in my decision, since NJIT required a certain score while TCNJ didn’t care about MCAT score.

@GreenPoison i agree with you… My daughter doesnt like TCNJ when we visited there especially the size… and with NJIT, she thinks she can adapt due to other positive things she can gain being there…We will go to both places and make informed decision. We will check on MCAT requirements too… thanks for your input…

Hello, is your son or daughter going to accept the OU offer for MHSP?

@"@Margo55" My DD is a sophomore at another BSMD program. She was selected as a OU MSHP two years back. @GoldenRock’s D is graduating from OU (as MSHP) this May.

Thank you.

What MCAT score does NJIT require? They didn’t mention in the faqs. I am sure something corresponding to 80 or 85% ile is achievable by any student on this forum. As I understand from @Mahikesh 's previous statements preference to njit is coming from his D.


NJMS match list looks quite decent. Moreover match list is one of the few considerations if you got multiple schools to choose from, so don’t worry about it.

Njit itself had very good research opportunities in biochem(check at
nice honors dorms( heard it was secured),
Maintaining GPA and getting good MCAT score are easy for bs/md students ,
on campus jobs ,
volunteering opportunities (saint michael’s medical center right across the campus)
Rutgers and NJMs are in walkable distance also have shuttles from njit to this campuses
Shopping vans ( free transportation to Walmart and shoprite)
Major selection flexibility
Lot of club activities ( celebrates all indian festivals very nicely )
Easy transportation for instate and out of state (airport is 2 miles away, train station is half mile away , lite rail is right across the street )
Even though it’s small campus they will be busy all the time spending time in library, game rooms , watching movies , combine study helping each other
Safety wise no concerns


may be a gap year during BS/MD provide some relief if it comes that close.

Njit research information at

@ven2020 Is your DD currently attending NJIT ?

@grtd2010 : yes my kid is in njit/njms program and is very happy .