Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

[{“Congratulations on all acceptances!!”:"

Congratulations on all acceptances!!

@wowbears A PhD requires significant work beyond MS. You have to get high (GPA > 3.8) in BS to apply for MD or PhD. BME would be hard on your GPA at any of those places. If you really want to be a DO, go with MSU OMSP.

@wowbears My son last year had GATech BME as OOS. BME is double edge sword, if you like engineering aspect and do really good it can open up big time orthopedic specialty after med school, but if you do average Joe in BME, it can hinder your medical career and other careers you already know the earning consequences. This was one of reason my son let go GATech BME and pick NU UG (risk averse). You are at juncture where you need to decide what is more important for you, medicine or not so lucrative BME career prospects.

@SkAdvice The Rutgers NB 4+4 Global Health is by invitation only program for in-state(NJ) Honors College Presidential Scholars. UPitt or Case both are good and will provide ample research, shadowing, hospital volunteering opportunities.

Also guys –
Does anyone know if TCNJ will be sending out acceptance calls for the NJMS program today? Has anyone here received one from them (not NJIT)?

@HPMEhopeful As a recent med school grad who went through the process not long ago, I would advise you not be swayed by what people are saying here about NU vs Brown; both have top notch match lists and will not hold you back in any way from achieving your goals.

Also looking at % of grads going into primary care is not the best way to gauge quality of a match list. The majority of people considered as matching into primary care specialties match into internal medicine, of which most end up specializing in a competitive specialty like GI, Cards, Heme/Onc. Looking at the quality of programs on a match list provides a much better sense.

Got a phone call form Rutgers Newark/NJMS 7rs BS/MD for acceptance…

@sajju786 nice!!! congrats!

ALSO – to all the TCNJ/NJMS folk here:

TCNJ sends acceptances for BS/MD through email, according to last year’s threads. They may arrive either today, tomorrow, or later this week.

Congratulations @sajju786 and others who have multiple acceptances.

In addition to congrats, I have a request to you. As a favor to your fellow classmates, I would request you to inform programs /provide your rejection where you are not going to go at this point, as you are leaning to accept some other BSMD offer. E.g. Boston as opposed to Temple (just as an example) so that people waitlisted at Temple can get an offer… It will be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

Not trying to say that Temple is inferior program!! Just an example

well Temple has big time mumps outbreak right now…take care of your loved ones.

Have to wait for several years before being eligible for white coat ?


Now have to choose between Brown/Dartmouth vs 7yr BS/MD program…

Any input guys? Ivy League or Guaranteed Medical?

@mk1901 congratulations… D got the email as well…

@sajju786 congrats!

@mk1901 @Mahikesh congrats to you guys as well! Haven’t received email from TCNJ yet, hoping they’re still sending them out?

@mk1901 , @Mahikesh, @sajju786 Congratulation on your NJMS acceptance!!

Did anyone hear from Case or UPitt yet?