Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


NJMS batch size ~150 and not ~200.
I haven’t checked the match lists of FAU, but a general observation is that as the class size goes up, the matching rates to specialities go down. This is even in the same med school from one batch to another when there is a fluctuation in class/batch sizes.

So in comparing 2 med schools with a big difference in class size and similar match rates, I would give advantage to the one with a bigger class size (since they have done well despite the dragging down factor of class size).

@deci2019: Did your S decided on which college he will be going to ?

Thanks @cy2019bsmd

@sajju786 Congrats on B/B. Would like to hear your perspective and what Baylor gives importance when ever you post your experience in results thread. Interesting to know where you are heading BU or B/B.

My DS got accepted to Brown PLME (no aid) and Rice/Baylor MSP (20k/yr aid for UG). We are from PA and would like to seek your expert advice on which program is a better choice. Thanks in advance.


Go with Rice/Baylor.
Academically better and cheaper.

However what does your DS feel?

Good choices to have.

@sajju786 - Congrats! My DS is hoping to see him at BU though.?

@cricket2 - Congrats! Excellent choices. Sounds like a win-win situation. Best of luck to your DS.

Congratulations @sajju786

Congratulations @Cricket2019NJ

@Cricket2019NJ Congrats. Go with R/B. We need your post in results thread and your perspective.

congrats @sajju786

congrats @Cricket2019NJ

did anyone apply to the tcnj bsmd program?

Thanks @OldSchoolMD, @NoviceDad , @2019NewB, @studiousqueen, @GoldenRock

@OldSchoolMD yes my S is going to BU and will be with your S…

Hi all, congratulations on your acceptances! Hope you choose the program that is the best fit for you.

I am a current student in the Union LIM program, so feel free to private message me if you have any specific questions about our program.

Thank you @NoviceDad, @OldSchoolMD, @GoldenRock, @2019NewB, @studiousqueen for your advice. Good luck to everyone!

I was chosen as one of 6 for the Rice/Baylor BS/MD program!! I was also selected for Case Western’s PPSP 8 year med program!

I only have a few days to decide, and I’m struggling to choose between Stanford, Rice (BCM), and Yale. I’d appreciate any advice!

Congratulations to all Rice/Baylor accepted candidates. If anyone is deciding to decline it please do it sooner so that someone may be pulled off wait list before may 1st.