Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@bsmdadmit TCNJ/NJMS

@neurochic I assume UMKC is more expensive than 8 years at VCU. Go with VCU though it takes 2 more years.

As opposed to rutgers/njms?

Assume there is no cost difference between tcnj and rutgers. With that TCNJ will give a better experience since small and private liberal. Leave it to you, since I am from CA and have not visited these colleges or have done extensive research on the opportunities they provide. See if they have any restrictions on 3 or 4 years before you can get in to NJMS. If 3 years, then may go with that school.

Rutgers Newark is not in a particularly upscale neighborhood of Newark- make sure you feel safe in the inner city.

Likewise, TCNJ is a small liberal arts college in the middle of central Jersey suburbia- it’s probably much less of a difficult transition for first generation Asian kids than moving to a city like Newark.

@goldenrock I am visiting both this weekend. Will keep this in mind. As opposed to FAU, would you say there is a major (non-negligible) difference between FAU and NJMS? the reason I ask is because I just liked FAU a lot more in terms of campus and classes. Also, the medical class is capped at just 64/year and I tend to do better in smaller environments. Versus NJMS with ~200/year.

In terms of residencies, specialty match ratios are both very similar in both schools.

@bsmdadmit I would say Rutgers. Newark, while not necessarily the ‘safest,’ is a fine area with plentiful opportunities for research and volunteering. They also have pretty great food, and I didn’t think the area seemed terribly unsafe, not unlike Pittsburgh.


Between TCNJ / Rutgers, it would what you like more. If you prefer suburban South NJ, then TCNJ.
If urban city like, then Rutgers.

Re: safety
Pittsburgh is very safe and Oakland area where UPitt/ CMU /UPMC/ Carlow Univ/ Carnegie Museums are located is also very safe.
Cannot compare NJMS location with Pittsburgh. NJMS definitely has a shady feel to it. Oakland has a very different vibe to it.


Please post your experiences on the results thread:

@NoviceDad I’ve spent months in Oakland, and a decent amount of time in Newark as well – they’re pretty similar, I didn’t get a shady feel from either. I was pleasantly surprised by the bustling metropolitan feel of Newark!

I am not in favor of stressful 2 + 4 years at UMKC, unless that is the only option on the table.
Get a perspective on UMKC from @Roentgen.
That way you have additional data points for decision making.

Let’s agree to disagree on this.

With all the talk about safety, does anyone have an opinion about AMC? It looked like a pretty sketchy area when we visited. Its not going to change our decision, just wondering how much I should be worrying.

@gallentjill As long as your child uses common sense and goes out with friends in odd hours you should be ok.
One of my friend’s D, who is wrapping up RPI/AMC program told she liked everything about RPI and AMC except the location. Wanted to get it done and move back to Bay area.

During my office trip, I visited some section of RPI, UofA and Downtown Albany. Agree and I was not impressed at all. Especially for a guy who lived in Detroit for years and hanged out in Detroit downtown in night for 3 years to do Masters and familiar with East Palo Alto and work in Oakland of CA.

All students should use judgement and learn how to adapt to the situation for few years and move on in life.

@cy2019bsmd Thanks for the post in results thread. Glad some thing worked out for you with your near perfect scores and so much activities.

Few programs hard to predict, especially the so called top tiers. But only few really expect research (RPI, UPitt and whatever other few schools). It is not a must for every BS/MD program.

It is true during the regular MD admission also. Unless you are interested in MD/Ph.D or in T20 academic schools, research is not the priority one. Rather what kind of EC related to under served population done for a long time will get more interviews.

Any specific reason why you ruled out Hofstra - just curious as we visited and liked it.

@brown2024 I liked it a lot actually, the only problem is that they are allowing only 1 mcat attempt.

@gallentjill - wife spent 4 years at AMC. Had no issues or concerns re:safety. Just said use common sense as she avoided walking alone in the late hours. Safety never entered as a variable (neither pro or con) when deciding on RPI/AMC for our son.

My S got into Baylor2Baylor program…

Congratulations!!! Sajju.