Three Campuses...??

<p>U of T has three campuses....
apparently st george is the biggest one,
but which one is the best for business? is it scarborough?
and which one is the best for arts? (art history)?
and which one is the best for phycology?</p>

<p>how can we decide which campus to go?

<p>St. George is the main U of T campus. It is in the centre of Toronto. UTM and UTSC are satellite campuses; UTM in Mississauga, a suburb of Toronto; and UTSC in Scarborough, a borough in the eastern part of the city. Most students at the satellite campuses choose them because of their proximity to where the student lives.</p>

<p>which one is the most competitive though? the one that has the best reputation? or are they all the same?
and if someone knows, please answer my questions about the majors that i'mintereted in :) best for business? best for art history?</p>

<p>Admission to the St. George campus is more selective. As far as I know, all programs/majors available at the satellite campuses are also available at St. George but the reverse is not true.</p>

<p>alright i see.
is scarborough the most well known for business program though?
that's what i heard~</p>

<p>The undergrad commerce program at U of T is part of the Rotman School of Management and is located on the St George campus. This link may help you learn a bit more about the program. Good luck!</p>

<p>[url=<a href=""&gt;]About[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>

<p>ah and rotman school of management is the famous one right?
how about scarborough? hows the business there?
if you were to rank these three campuses of u of t (st george, scarborough, missisauga), how would u rank them? :) in terms of overall reputation and/or business</p>

<p>the only reason why some students choose scarborough for biz is cuz of the co-op program, which you can't get in the st george campus. </p>

<p>yea, rotman school of management is the famous one however it's a business school, not for undergrads... the undergrad commerce program is only "associated" with the rotman school.</p>

<p>oh i see.
i also heard in scarborough, there're lots of chinese/asians.
how about in st george campus? is it the most diversed one?
i really don't know which campus i should choose. please list some goods/bads about each campus if possible:) thx</p>

<p>Which campus is the best for human biology/life sciences (ultimately to go to med school and become a physician)</p>

<p>why are you choosing the campus based the race of the students. not sure the question even warrants an answers but toronto is the most diverse city in the world. so the student population on all three campuses reflect this. btw, the two satelitte campuses are generally referred to as colleges like st. mikes, trinity, university college, innis, new college. But overall I would say scarborough has a better business program due to the co-op advantage. keep in mind as a scarborugh student you can take courses on the st. george campus so, you can get the best of both worlds.</p>

<p>which one is the best college in StGeorge then :slight_smile: ?
How’s victoria especially?</p>

<p>Overall, St. George has the best students (in terms of average) entering from High School. It is the most recognized and with the best programs (except UTSC Business Programs). It is also close to downtown.
Come to U of T, and all you will see are Asians/South Asians (believe me I know, I am South Asian). In St. George, at least there are some variety.
But be prepared to work your *** off, and have a pretty crappy undergrad life (if you are in Engineering or Life Science)</p>