three examples or two or one??

<p>How to get a high sat essay score???</p>

<p>I got a 12 on mine and I told a kid how to get a 12 on his (he got liek a 1700 total, but only listened to me for the essay part).</p>

<p>What to do:
Spend 1 min reading the prompt. Figure out exactly what it wants. Then spend 1 min thinking of topics sorta related to the prompt. Then spend 1-2 min thinking of ways to use those examples in your essay. </p>

<p>Immediately start having diarrhea of the hand when you have 1 example you knwo you’ll use and start writing your intro while thinking of your 2nd topic; it should come to you more easily cuz it will be sorta related to the first example and the topic.</p>

<p>Focus on 2 main examples! Make sure you can write well about them. it is better to write amazingly about a sport you love to play, then fiarly well about some literary works. Spend 1 paragraph on each of them. </p>

<p>Add a conclusion if you haven’t filled the given space. Filling it all up is very important. Keep spewing stuff even if it is only decent quality. It is okay if the conclusio nis only 1-2 sentences.</p>

<p>Along the way use big vocab words, but try to make your whoel essay have the same voice. No using “obsequious” and then “that dude said.” Mayeb try to find middle g round, or make all your writing really grandeloquent(sp?).</p>

<p>FYI here’s what I did:
3 sentence intro of addressing the prompt like(what I thought the prompt meant, my answer, introduce my examples)</p>

<p>paragraph one on me being a runner. Something relatable that I can just let flow. used words like “inured” “latent” etc. Basically if the word comes to your head while writing, use it. But dont go back and start erasing words to add a pompous one.</p>

<p>paragraph 2 on the karate kid. Yup. =] Used “…obsequious gang of pugnacious teenagers scornfully mocked …” and other crap liek that, but kept it relatable.</p>

<p>conclusion was 1 sentence of wrap-up.</p>

<p>“Obsequious gang of pugnacious teenagers…” Brilliant.</p>

<p>Just realized that doesnt make sense. I think it was: “Pugnacious gang of teenagers scornfully mocked the obsequois Daniel-San.”</p>

<p>“Diarrhea of the hand.” Brilliant.</p>