<li>Which colleges do not consider the Writing Section of the SAT? </li>
<li>Which colleges discourage sending resumes? </li>
<li>Most colleges superscore SATs, but what happens if you send in two ACT scores with different results? </li>
<p>Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>also: when one gets the SAT rescored manually, does collegeboard give back eraser errors?</p>
<p>If yo look elsewhere on CC through the search feature, you should be able to find answers to the writing and super score questions–I recall seeing them, but not sure where. Consider posting on the Parents forum,perhaps with more details about size and region of schools you seek</p>
<p>With resumes, just ask the schools you are interested in</p>
<p>good luck</p>
<p>Yes, post your ??? in Parents forum… a lot of parents can answer these questions.</p>
<p>BTW…what is your WRiting score…it may not be as bad as you think. Also, some colleges “ask” to see it, but they don’t really “use” it for admissions. And some who ask for it, don’t use it for scholarship purposes.</p>
<p>Some just ask to see Writing to figure out which English class to put you in.</p>
I have an 800 in writing
I was afraid that it wasn’t going to be considered or wouldn’t give me an edge. </p>
<p>As for the resume thing, I’ve visited the websites of the schools but most make no mention of it. I don’t want to send emails to like 11 colleges, y’know? I was just wondering anyone knows of any specific colleges that especially dislike resume along with the application</p>
<p>Chasing, I think even schools which discount the writing will be impressed by that score</p>
<p>i hope so! thanks :)</p>