Thrive Scholars Round 2 Thread

I haven’t taken my interview yet so I don’t know.

SAT- 1580 800 math/780 English. SAT II- 800 Math 2 took before they got canceled
GPA- 3.774/4 (Had many Bs from Freshman year)
AP- AP Biology, Ap Lit, Ap US
ECS- Varsity Soccer, Basketball, internships at Brown University and other places, and many other ECS, shadowed a cardio surgeon at Mass Gen

I emphasized the fact that my GPA took a hit due to other circumstances during the interview

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Why do you think the interviewer said that to you?

When I talked about how I self-studied and since I was first-gen, I didn’t have much help towards academics or sports. So I spoke on how I developed these skills myself without the help of anybody else. I also talked about how in middle school my peers were more athletic and academically talented than me, so I spoke that I surpassed them by working even harder. When is your interview? and who is your interviewer?

my interview is this saturday morning with erica williams. i’m super nervous but i usually do well with interviews; was there ever a lull in conversation between you and your interviewer?

i think i can hold my own in the interview, i’m just worried maybe my stats aren’t the most impressive compared to some of y’all :[

i’m worried about my stats too, but from looking at the mission and purpose of the program, i think they’d be pretty holistic. good luck on your interview!

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good luck to you too!! <3 C:

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Does anyone know if it possible to gain admission if they make a bit over the average 75K income?

yea i think so. on the website it said that applicants “typically” make <75k, it wasn’t a strict/hard cut off.

My interviewer is a guy named Felipe and my interview on Feb 26. I’m not scared about my stats because if I made it this far I don’t think it matters as much anymore. I’m not good at talking to people at all so because of my social anxiety so I’m not sure how to make myself a great candidate in their eyes. I just need to figure out how to keep the conversation going or I’m gonna cry :frowning:

My interviewer was in California, and I’m from Boston so we talked about the Celtics and Lakers rivalry for like 5 minutes and then the difference in weather, Tbh the interview wasn’t really formal, it just like a conversation with an upperclassman that asks you questions. My interviewer was a student at Stanford so pretty young compared to the other older people. Also when they ask do you have any questions, respond and ask about their experience with the program or at the summer academy, it prolongs the interview.

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Yeah, we talked about basketball, weather, and how the Bay area is much different than Boston lol. Just a few questions don’t get too nervous about it, just have the mindset that you will suceed and you should be alright.

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What was your interviewer’s name. Also, bruh there is no way you aren’t getting into the program gg.

Her name was Ashley Griffith, lol I hope I get in. LMK if you got any more questions!

Good luck

I had my interview today. I think it went pretty well, but I feel like I might have gotten to detailed with the topics I talked about. I hope it didn’t come off as rambling lol. But my interviewer was really nice, and she said whether I made it in or not, I should keep in contact with her through the admissions and my years in college.

Also I got in contact with a scholar from c/o 21, and she said to make sure your “tell me about yourself” is solid, because it steers the conversation.

wait your interviewer just told you if you were in or not? i thought we didn’t hear final decisions until april.

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oh nonono she said decisions come out late april, but she was just saying that i should keep in touch with her personally if i ever needed advice.

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OH oh my goodness im so sorry thats my fault for not reading closely enough :”)

but that’s really nice of her!! im so glad your interview went well <3

thank you! i hope yours goes well too. just remember why you wanted to be in the program, and illustrate that passion through your words :slight_smile:

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at a webinar i went to they said about 90