Timing for submitting applications

<p>Hello everyone, I couldn't find a suitable thread to ask this question, but here goes:</p>

<p>I am still waiting on two of my LORs and deadlines are Dec. 1. Would it look bad if I submit my application on the very last day (Monday)? Do the admissions committee even have access to the information about when I submitted? If not, I did date my statement of purpose, should I remove this date (which will be Dec. 1, as I plan to submit my application that day)?</p>

<p>Thanks for the help! These things are almost done..</p>

<p>I don’t think it will look bad if you submit on Monday, I believe the adcom will see when you submit, because it is on your status page. Why don’t you just submit it when you are ready and don’t wait for the LOR, thats beyond your control.</p>

<p>i had the same problem and contacted my schools. They told me to send everything else and that I could send the letters of rec at a later date. I don’t know if it would be the same for you, but at least let them know you’re situation and they should help out.</p>

<p>hope that helped!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice! I’ll submit my apps before the deadline and I’ll give the schools a call on early Monday afternoon if the LORs are still not in yet.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Huh? I don’t understand what is wrong. The letters of recommendation will be received and tossed into a manila folder with your name on it whenever they get there. Your application will be printed off and put in the same folder. Get the application submitted pursuant to whatever requirements the programs have and the letters will arrive when they arrive.</p>

<p>^^^ Yep. While it’s very kind of you to try and make the department secretary’s life easy by sending everything in a big bundle, all the pieces that come in your name will be slipped into that folder, and as long as everything is there when the adcoms get to evaluations there shouldn’t be a problem.</p>

<p>I don’t understand the problem-- the LORs are all online, so you can submit your application whenever you’d like and the profs upload the LORs themselves (usually, but not always, at a later date)</p>