Tip(s) for freshmen/sophomores/juniors

<p>Try to do all three if you can. It's tough to make the schedule work though. My daughter was accepted to all three in 2004 but could only squeeze army and navy in (and had to take finals a week early to do that)--no way could she squeeze in all three. You should apply to all three and then attend as many as you can make work.</p>

<p>nope, I'm an alum of the summer seminars and I'm going through the application process right now. </p>

<p>I went to WP and AFA's sumemr seminar, if you get accepted to all three great Definitly go to all three </p>

<p>however, in true military fashion, you chose what week you want to attened, but they pick for you, so some of the dates might over-lap which will force you to only attened 2, or even 1 of the sumemr seminars</p>

<p>AFA's sumemr seminar - More laid back, touristy I must say.
WP- organized, focuses on academics, and military stuff, def better organized
Navy- didn't go, but from what the other candidates said, it's the hardest out of the three. They do a mock indoctrine night where they get on your case and haze you a little, and swim trials (like some physical fitness thing that last 6 hours-ish, or somethign ridiculous like that) </p>

<p>Oh yah one up side to the AFA's summer seminar you get a ridiculous amount of free stuff </p>

<p>any mroe questiosn feel free to ask, I'm not an expert on anything b/c I'm not even admitted yet, but I have just recently gone through the processses, and as a student myself I can definitly give you a no-nonsense answer to alot of your admissiosn questiosn</p>

<p>I'm in eighth grade, attending a catholic middle school. I have good grades, participate in 3 sports and belong to the latin club. I have a very strong desire to attend West Point after high school. Is there anything I should be doing now, which can help my chances for acceptance?</p>

<p>I believe 8th graders can sign up to receive information from West Point. Try this link: <a href="http://admissions.usma.edu/startyoung.cfm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://admissions.usma.edu/startyoung.cfm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Keep up your grades, take the toughest courses you can in high school, play the sports you love, develop leadership skills, prepare for your plan B and plan C, and cheer like crazy for Army on 12/3.</p>

<p>My plan of how to get in West Point/ other Academies</p>

<li><p>Stay committed. Start stuff in freshman year and follow it through</p></li>
<li><p>Do what you like...it will be much easier do #1</p></li>
<li><p>Do well in school and sat's..they count for a lot!!!. My sats weren't good at first but I did a prep class and did well afterwards.</p></li>
<li><p>Do athletics..and earn letters. Although some don't do/have either...it is much easier to get in with them.</p></li>
<li><p>Don't blow off your PSATs. They count towards SLS</p></li>
<li><p>Apply to SLS...if you like it then you will be able to write better essays and it will give you a slight advantage during your nomination interviews. </p></li>

<p>If you do all this stuff..you will have a great chance. Good Luck to all you underclassmen</p>