<p>Hey everyone! I just wanted to give prospective students some tips/advice that I wish I would have had prior to coming to Tulane (both Tulane-specific and general):</p>
<p>1) Find a roommate in advance, if at all possible. I pot-lucked it and have not been so fortunate in that department. Plus, if you apply without a roommate you are more likely to get stuck in a dorm that you didn't request (in my case, JL).</p>
<p>2) Take as much coursework relating to your prospective major in HS as possible. It will really really pay off. For example, the chem dept here is TERRIBLE. If I hadn't taken AP chem, I would probably have failed gen chem 1 because all the gen chem I profs here don't teach. Due to my prior experience in chem, I have set myself up for at least an A- in the class.</p>
<p>3) If you are interested in science, try to do some research over the summer at a local state U. Getting positions here is tough and every bit of experience you have will help you!</p>
<p>4) When you come here, don't buy all your books too far in advance. I ended up doing that and ended up wasting a bunch of money. A lot of classes don't require use of the suggested book(s).</p>
<p>5) Take it easy your first semester. I took 15 hours, and it was perfect. A lot of freshman load up on 17-19 hours and do really poorly the first semester. One of my friends continually said "if I had just taken one less class I would be doing so much better in everything right now."</p>
<p>6) Set guidelines for yourself before you come here. Know your limits. It is easy to get carried away by the party scene. It is harder, though, if you know your priorities and boundaries.</p>
<p>7) Get to know your profs. They can help you. Go to departmental lectures. Try to get people to recognize your name and face in your department as early as possible. Getting involved in research is good, too.</p>
<p>8) Although you by no means have to know your major before coming here, I think that it should play into your decision of where to attend college. Some of the departments here really shine (poli sci, buisness, latin am studies, etc), and some are horrible (chem, math, etc). If you have some idea of what field you want to go into, it can really help you make a smart decision about where you can get the education you are looking for.</p>
<p>9) College is hard. I underestimated Tulane since it was the lowest ranked school I got into and I assumed it would be easy. I was wrong. Be prepared to come here and work hard and play hard!</p>
<p>I hope this was helpful!! Let me know if you have any questions about Tulane or anything :)</p>