<p>Thanks everyone for the thoughts. I guess I want to get better at writing the college essay types of essays but also the more introspective types. I have lots of thoughts and lots of ideas and I just can’t make them work on paper. </p>
<p>@nottelling, I will certainly check out the Moth podcast. It sounds cool - I tried the premise out just now and its way tougher than it sounds. I will check out David Sedaris.</p>
<p>@sacchi, I have heard many people recommend that book. I don’t think it’s sold in stores here, so I will try Amazon.</p>
<p>@YoHo, that’s an intriguing idea for the online class. Do you have any recommendations? The only one I’m familiar with is CTY and I think I’m on my last eligible year. I get what you’re saying about the convoluted-ness and keeping it simple. I have a tendency to like convoluted writing styles a la “Mary Shelley”/ romantic era style of writing more than concise forms – it sounds so elegant. Maybe I can experiment with that on non college essay works, lol.</p>
<p>@compmom, that’s a good point. I’ve had people tell me just go with the “stream of consciousness” and edit afterwards. I guess in a sense, my mind and thoughts are not really organized, so that can be hard for me to run with. Unfortunately, I think I’m not in a position to take any part of my app “easy” as I’m coming from a disadvantaged admissions standpoint already. I think I saw some CC poster (JHS?) who wrote: 80% of essays are mediocre, 10% are truly terrible and 10% are actually good. </p>
<p>I guess it’s tough to understand what I should write about – why I’m passionate about my main EC and how its impacted me? How moving affected me? How I feel re: current affairs? How being part of a Diaspora has changed my life? </p>
<p>I don’t know what to say about myself or tell about myself that would make an unknown person like me because I don’t know who “myself” actually is. Like, I do feel very passionate about my EC or my policy positions or whatever because of various reasons, but it’s hard to explain that without being overly cliche. I don’t know… am I just overthinking this? I don’t really know. </p>
<p>@Periwinkle, that’s a good point. I will check some out. I read fiction and historical books when I can but the problem with me is that when I get into a book, I don’t want to stop which is no good when you have mountains of HW
. That being said, I’ll definitely try that.</p>
<p>Thanks so much, again! I really appreciate your advice. I’ll try some of the tips and let you all know how it works out.</p>