Tips, Tricks, and Rules for Moving In

<p>I think it is a nice gesture if you would like to tip and if they are allowed to accept it. I don’t think you should feel obligated. I do know the UA makes a donation to the organizations represented by the volunteers for the amount of hours worked. I would recommend checking with Housing. Just remember that the volunteers represent people from the community as well as people from the UA. Some of the professors actually volunteered last year…Roll Tide!:)</p>

<p>Move in volunteers info:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You DO NOT have to tip!! These are volunteers or UA employees, so please don’t feel like it’s necessary.</p>

<p>As a follow-up on tipping ~</p>

<p>We moved D in yesterday. Two different young men brought up carts. One of them accepted a tip (very appreciatively) and the other would not accept the tip. They weren’t in each other’s presence when offered the tip. At any rate, the one who would not accept the tip is an RA and an Honors College Ambassador (we remembered him from a visit) so we are guessing that RAs can’t accept them.</p>

<p>Recycle info: in RCSN they are collecting boxes and recycle in the kitchen areas on 2 & 4th floors. End of the day they put them into a sm box truck that I assume was taken to a central recycle place. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>I’ve posted this tip before on another thread, but since this thread is all inclusive and because of experiences of those moving in this year, I’ll post it here again.</p>

<p>When you pack, include one box with cleaners that you pack separately so you can find them easily. You’ll likely need to use these items before you begin to unpack.</p>

<p>Toilet paper
Hand soap
Lysol or Clorox wipes
Trash bags
Paper towels
Mr. Clean Magic eraser for scrubbing the shower
Disinfectant cleaner to use in bath and kitchen
Febreeze air freshener spray
Febreeze fabric/carpet freshener
Baking soda for fridge
Swiffer duster
Swiffer mop and refill pads
Toilet bowl cleaner
Lysol disinfectant spray
Upholstery cleaning spray (test it to be sure it doesn’t bleach) Target brand works well.
A cup to use to rinse the shower after disinfecting</p>

<p>I can promise you that you will find these items handy to have when you move in. :)</p>

<p>You’ll also want to have a vacuum cleaner. You’ll find them for around $30-49 dollars in late July to early August and they do a fairly good job.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thank you Bamagirls! I’m in the middle of making a supply list for son’s Saturday move-in and your list is a huge help. :)</p>

<p>You are very welcome, Lovemykids. :). Good luck to you!</p>

<p>I would add Windex (or similar) to this list. I forgot it - the bath mirrors are huge, and it could also be used to clean the counter tops in the bath area.</p>

<p>And, whoever (socal) said to keep boxes for move-out: YES, YES, YES, do that! In Riverside (and any other dorm w/ that configuration), there are hallway storage closets right next to the dorm room, that will EASILY fit many many boxes/bins for all 4 kids - I left 2 rubbermaid bins + about 5 large boxes (nested), and that took up about 1/6th the space - it is a very tall closet - like 10 feet tall? So many kids were throwing out their boxes that their stuff came in (judging by the dumpster area)…and I can imagine that move-out will not go very well next May for them?..</p>

<p>when we hit walmart to buy supplies after flying in, we also purchased 2 of the large bins. We put all purchases in those bins for move in. The bins are now in the top of his closet, and have a few “I don’t need this now” items in them, like his quilt (“It’s too hot for that now mom”), a medium weight jacket (same reason), dress shoes, and one or two other things. The bins will be used when he moves out for the summer, so not a waste. We did not save the printer box, but did save the computer monitor box. There is no way to really replicate the specially shaped styrofoam that the monitors come in. Everything else we thought could be protected with bubble wrap and blankets.</p>

<p>Are there storage closets like aeromom mentioned in Ridgecrest??</p>

<p>There are lockable storage closets next to the dorm suite in Ridgecrest West.</p>

<p>No storage closets in RCS, but that is a great idea with nesting the boxes. We purchased heavy duty containers at Target for $6.99. They work really well as you said. With each visit last year we would pack new supplies to bring and pack items she no longer needed back into the boxes and take them home. In the spring, we left more boxes with her so she could pack what she wasn’t using before move out. As we are preparing to move her into her apartment this week, my house is full of these boxes.:)</p>

<p>Adding some tips:</p>

<li><p>Get to the PO early to pick up packages if applicable. Posted operating hours are unreliable.</p></li>
<li><p>Check to make sure anything you plan to set up includes the needed hardware. My son’s new TV we brought from home for his room was missing the screws to attach to the stand and we spent hours between Home Depot, Lowes, etc finding what we needed.</p></li>
<li><p>If you buy a new printer, install it at home if you can. Son’s new printer corrupted his computer and I spent 3 hours fixing it. </p></li>
<li><p>re: the tipping. We had at least 12+ students helping us! I did not have enough bills to tip that many kids. </p></li>
<li><p>There will be little to no time to socialize or do anything fun with any people you hope to meet up with. My plans to meet with several people didn’t happen. We did get to meet for dinner on Saturday with some families but that was sheer luck as we were delayed getting to Mugshots by a good hour or so (had a great time there and was a much needed break from cleaning and unpacking).</p></li>

<p>Another suggestion made before was to bring a mallet or something that you can unloft the bed with. If the bed is at a height that your child doesn’t feel comfortable with and they want to lower it, it’s not easy. We send son with a small toolkit that’s the size of the typical man’s toiletry kit. Fits easily on the top shelf of the closet and stays in storage over the summer.</p>

<p>^We had brought a rubber mallet (and left it in my son’s room if someone is desperate for use of one) but we didn’t need it to change the bed. And we changed it 3 times. Probably didn’t need it because we had it.</p>

<p>Re: printer- you will likely need a printer cable, even if you bought a wireless printer. Target and walmart were out. Bring from home if you can. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>Son is in RCS-N - we broke down the boxes and just left them under the bed for next May. He didn’t want his bed lofted so it is lower and you can’t really see them much. He also has his game console boxes under his bed. But he is a guy and doesn’t care that you can see them.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice about the printer cable. He has an old printer in his room but it is not working that well (making groaning noises, not printing in color) - it appears to be in it’s death throes. Wasn’t up for going for a new printer this weekend during move-in - S said it would be fine to start - it is printing B&W and he has flash drives to print elsewhere. We’ll probably end up binging a new one down during parent weekend. I would have just bought a wireless and assumed it would work.</p>

<p>Wireless printer will not work. H spent a lot of time Sat setting up the printer and got really frustrated. He went and talk to some tech guy at Ferg and was told that wireless printing is blocked because everyone is connected to wireless and anyone can just print on your printer.</p>

<p>my son has a rubber mallet in RCS-N. If you need one, I can get you in touch with him. HOWEVER, there was a notice from housing that they wanted to be called to make any bed height changes that are required. Just be aware. </p>

<p>Don’t forget to have the bed rail discussion with your student. Mine was adamant that he did not want one. until he tried to sleep on a bed 5 feet off of the floor. Then he was nervous. It appears that UA housing does not have bedrails if you want one. So think about how you will manage that if your student changes their mind.</p>

<p>just a thought on the printing…you can get a USB blue tooth printer adapter for some printers. IF your computer has blue tooth, you may be able to use the blue tooth adapter for a “wireless” printer. It will just not work on the wireless network. We did not think it was worth the effort, since the printer is sitting 2 feet from the computer station son is using. But someone else may find this option appealing (like if you need to have your printer in the closet on the other side of the room from the computer).</p>