First of all, hi!!1

Now that I have your attention I propose to bring the best and the dankest memes before our admissions day arrives (1-2 days left) by doing this, we will be able to endure the excruciating fear and pain of having done everything wrong/correct and being adMITted/rejected anyway.

If you don’t want to include memes, you can always write your best jokes (nothing inappropriate pls)

Peace to all and I wish you the best this Tuesday.

PlzadMITusTHX #Weloveyouadcoms

  • Why do you keep making bad chemistry jokes?
  • Because all the best ones Argon

“Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?”

After a very extended pause…


are you benzene? because you stink.

SPOILER: The dwonrnig onrgaic mleoucle swohn in the pciurte has two duolbe bnods; tehrofere, it is a di-ene. The onrgaic mleoucle tyrnig to svae the dinyg mleoucle has tehre duolbe bnods; tehrofere, it is a tri-ene.

If you could read the above sentence flawlessly, you have an amazing brain :wink:

The link got filtered out. aw.

If anyone is too curious, play a guessing game and fix the link yourself :stuck_out_tongue:
Hint: It is a common image hosting website (starts with ‘i’ and ends with ‘r’)