<p>watch out.</p>
<p>when you cram like, say, 1500 freshmen into one or two FT's, you ARE bound to get sick from cold, strep throat, what not. . . at one point in your freshmen year.</p>
<p>I'm doing FSSP right now, and I live in the 6th floor of San Nic as I type this thread. </p>
<p>And let me tell ya. . .whatever sickness comes around, it goes around ppl LIKE WILDFIRES. </p>
<p>Example that really happened: One of my friends and floormates in my wing got sick. I didn't think anything about it. Two weeks, he got better. . .then got hit with a double wammy. . .</p>
<p>Then I get sick. With a nasty cold. Went on for a week, kept me out of class for 2 days. That was when I found out half of San Nic are currently sick (of strep throat or cold) or were sick at one point. About a quarter of 8th floor had strep throat. . . o__o</p>
<p>I recovered from my nasty bout of cold. . .but my roommate is now sick. and 3 more floormates got sick too. -___- (ooops.)</p>
<p>prepare yourself. bring or make a flu kit ASAP.</p>