To All New Incoming UCSB Freshmen of 2010. . .

<p>watch out.</p>

<p>when you cram like, say, 1500 freshmen into one or two FT's, you ARE bound to get sick from cold, strep throat, what not. . . at one point in your freshmen year.</p>

<p>I'm doing FSSP right now, and I live in the 6th floor of San Nic as I type this thread. </p>

<p>And let me tell ya. . .whatever sickness comes around, it goes around ppl LIKE WILDFIRES. </p>

<p>Example that really happened: One of my friends and floormates in my wing got sick. I didn't think anything about it. Two weeks, he got better. . .then got hit with a double wammy. . .</p>

<p>Then I get sick. With a nasty cold. Went on for a week, kept me out of class for 2 days. That was when I found out half of San Nic are currently sick (of strep throat or cold) or were sick at one point. About a quarter of 8th floor had strep throat. . . o__o</p>

<p>I recovered from my nasty bout of cold. . .but my roommate is now sick. and 3 more floormates got sick too. -___- (ooops.)</p>

<p>prepare yourself. bring or make a flu kit ASAP.</p>

<p>My dad who is a doc calls this “herd immunity”. Remember, everyone is touching all the door handles, etc. Use lots of hand sanitizer and try not to touch things that are used by the majority of people.</p>

<p>Also, you have developed immunity to the bugs you grew up with in your area of the country. People are coming from all over and bringing all kinds of bugs with them. You are correct, we are probably all going to get sick at some point.</p>