<p>Too much theology stuff here to read, so I'm sorry if somebody already explained why you have wisdom teeth.</p>
<p>Wisdom teeth usually come in during the late teen years, many many years ago, when dental care was non existent, most humans lost several teeth due to decay by the late teens, especially their molars with constant exposure to food from chewing. W/o the ability to chew our food, we would have most likely died. Wisdom teeth came in as a backup set that allowed us to keep on living.</p>
<p>Many people these days do not ever have wisdom teeth come in, (i know i havent') I havent done any research on it, but I assume it's most likely a rather Mendelian trait, and that back in the day, if you didnt have wisdom teeth you most likely died, obviously some people with no wisdom teeth lived on and now it makes no difference whether they come in or not, and thus not having wisdom teeth is more prevalent.</p>