To chance, or not to chance? Chance for an ED WCAS

<p>I'm applying to Northwestern Early Decision and am currently going through the nervous waiting period and would really appreciate others opinions of my application. Like most ED applicants, Northwestern is THE dream for me, I've been waiting for over a year to apply (fingers crossed).</p>

<p>WCAS, Major: Economics, minor in Philosophy or Business Institutions</p>

<p>Visits: (do they take this into some consideration?)</p>

<p>Campus Tour: August 2007
Hotel Info Session: April 2008
Overnight: October 2008 (invited to stay another night by host)
-sat in an Economic Geo class, fell in love to say the least</p>

<p>-White female, Dallas, Texas
-Public High school, 3000+ kids
-Unweighted GPA: 3.71
-Top 7.5% of Class of 402
-Taken all available honors/APs</p>

<p>SAT: 1420 composite, 2100 total
cr: 730 math: 690 writing: 680</p>

<p>-AP Scholar (English Lang-5, US Hist-4, Calc AB-3)
-Texas Gifted and Talented Student (5th- 12th)
-Top 10% Recognition 9th-12th
-ILPC Newspaper Convention award for Feature Writing 2008
-Duke Talent Program recipient 9th grade</p>


<p>-National Honor Society Treasurer
-Vice-President an Co-founder of a Philosophy Club
-Varsity Soccer Starter on a top state-ranked High school team (10,11,12)
-Played soccer for 14 years, 7 years of Club Soccer (injured freshman year)
-Newspaper Staff Writer
-Student Government member (11th)</p>

<p>Essay: Very Confident
Rec's: Counselor-good, Teacher- former AP test grader and teacher, hopefully very good</p>

<p>Senior Class Schedule:
AP Biology
AP English IV/ Humanities IV
AP Economics
(exhausted all available math classes junior year with Calculus, or else I'd take one)</p>

<p>Please chance? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated :)</p>

<p>any thoughts?

<p>I know how you’re feeling when you say NU would be perfect. Its been my top for 3 years now. :P</p>

<p>Your SAT’s are about the middle of NU’s range. Everything else looks pretty good. Er, I’m not very good at chancing but I’d say good chance; ED is definitely a kicker.</p>

<p>Thanks for your chancing, I appreciate it. I was worried about not having taken any subject tests would hurt me, but all available subject tests conflicted with my actual SAT, do you think it’ll have an impact?</p>

<p>Hope to see you there though :)</p>

<p>Your gpa/SAT’s look good, as do your extra curriculars, but I’m a little hesitant over your course schedule this year. Are you not taking history or a foreign language? </p>

<p>However, I think that’s probably the last thing they look at for ED candidates, so I’m thinking you’ve got a chance, espescially for ED. I mean, it’s not 100% (all of the other applicants might have worked in Rwandan orphanages when they weren’t curing cancer, or something), but I’d say your chances are good.</p>

<p>My government class is dual enrolled at the local college, and the econ class plus government are my high school’s equivalent to a history for senior year. They don’t offer an ‘official’ history classes for seniors past US, World and Geo. </p>

<p>As for foreign language, it is not my strong suit, so I’ve avoided it after taking honors for two years. AP Bio is double blocked, leaving me with little room in my schedule. I have to take night classes at the local college, but unfortunately they don’t count towards GPA.</p>

<p>Wow, I just rambled. Anyways, thanks for opinion. Best of to you as well :)</p>

<p>Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, that looks good then!</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>You have a very solid shot.
NU is fantastic; I hope you get your wish.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Strong SAT 2 scores definitely would help but I’ve heard of plenty of people getting in without them. I wouldn’t sweat it too much.</p>

<p>Whew, okay thanks. I wasn’t sure if it would be a major factor in my application, I would’ve taken them had I had the chance.</p>