Seriously doubting CHANCES...

<p>I know we've already been decided by the NU adcoms, but I'd like some more perspectives? Based on the stats of those I see applying, I'm seriously doubting admission at this point. :(</p>

<p>chance me for WCAS?</p>

<p>Major: Economics, minor in Philosophy or Business Institutions</p>


<p>Campus Tour: August 2007
Hotel Info Session: April 2008
Overnight: October 2008 (invited to stay another night by host)
-sat in an Economic Geo class, fell in love to say the least
-spoke with senior assistant adcom for about 30 min, hoping she remembers me.</p>

<p>-White female, Dallas, Texas
-Public High school, 3000+ kids
-Unweighted GPA: 3.71
-Top 7.5% of Class of 402
-Taken all available honors/APs</p>

<p>SAT: 1420 composite, 2100 total
cr: 730 math: 690 writing: 680</p>

<p>-AP Scholar (English Lang-5, US Hist-4, Calc AB-3)
-Texas Gifted and Talented Student (5th- 12th)
-Rotary International's Academic Excellence Award (9-11th)
-Top 10% Recognition 9th-12th
-ILPC Newspaper Convention award for Feature Writing 2008
-Duke Talent Program recipient 9th grade</p>


<p>-National Honor Society Treasurer
-Vice-President and Co-founder of a Philosophy Club (10-12th)
-Varsity Soccer Starter on a top state-ranked High school team (10,11,12)
-Now captain, though NU doesn't know it. :/
-Played soccer for 14 years, 7 years of Club Soccer (injured freshman year)
-Newspaper Staff Writer
-Student Government member (11th)</p>

<p>Essay: Solid. I talked about my perspective on vitality that my Humanities teacher/ philosophy club sponsor's brain condition changed.
Statement: career-focused/what I would bring to northwestern/a little about my overnight experience. Solid? My English teacher said it was witty and focused.
Rec's: Counselor-good, Teacher- former AP test grader and teacher, solid.</p>

<p>Senior Class Schedule:
AP Biology
AP English IV/ Humanities IV
AP Economics
Dual Credit (at local college) Government
(exhausted all available math classes junior year with Calculus, or else I'd take one)</p>

<li>4.0 for senior year mid year grades, 4.0 at local college as well. Found out today.</li>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>Well I can’t boast being the expert on chancing since i’ve never done this before but let’s see XD…</p>

<p>Hmm. To use one of your words, I’d say your chances are SOLID.
If you were applying to Mccormick or something I might say your app was maybe not competitive enough but for WCAS it looks pretty well-laid out.</p>

<p>Your SAT composite is great so I wouldn’t worry about that.</p>

<p>Your EC’s are awesome:)</p>

<p>And overall, I’d say that if your essays are powerful enough, you’ve got a really good shot at ED acceptance!!</p>

<p>Thanks :slight_smile: means alot, I’m really worried because I don’t have extremely competitive scores/ gpa… or subject tests, unfortunately.</p>

<p>Hope they liked the essays lol.</p>

<p>uhhhh trust. i’m completely in the same position and I’m applying to THEATRE, where they actually have an intensely small quota of male/female acceptances.</p>

<p>lol, okay I’m trustin ya.</p>

<p>Best of luck with theatre! Just think, if you get in how awesome would it be to have accomplished that. :)</p>

<p>I agree that you have a solid shot.
Your SATs and GPA will not knock them over, but they are certainly competitive, and you are a stronger candidate applying from Texas than, say, the midwest of the NY metro area, so I certainly think you’re in the running.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Would not applying for financial aid help my application?</p>

<p>I didn’t and I know NU is need-blind, but I’ve heard that if you do apply for financial aid you are placed in a more competitive applicant pool.</p>

<p>well, just because you don’t APPLY for financial aid, it doesn’t mean you won’t receive it, right? Like i didn’t fill out all the FAFSA forms and stuff but once you’re accepted they try to accommodate you as much as possible… not drastically i imagine, since they know you’re going to matriculate, but you might still get a basic package?</p>

<p>and i’m not sure if it’ll help the app :S i think they just view it as an application with one less thing to worry about so it goes onto the “next level” of review faster. but that’s complete speculation lol i could be completely wrong :)</p>

<p>If you’re placed into a more competitive pool if you apply for financial aid, how is that “need-blind”?</p>

<p>^^ It was in a forum under college admissions a while back that some need-blind schools review applications that apply for financial aid more carefully. They mentioned that some schools use the aid to attract people… Idk, I’ll try and fnd it.</p>