To Do List

So, our twins have both applied EA, and only today set up their SIS accounts. One of them has a whole lot of documents that need to be uploaded in his “To Do” list- Proof of Citizenship, 1040, W-2, etc. The other one, doesn’t. They are due 01/03/2018. We are heading out for a vacation, and may not have internet access. Is it ok to call/ email the Financial Aid office and ask them how to upload all these documents for this twin, as well, or should I wait and hope to get it all in on time? I don’t want to bother them during what must be a very busy time!

This is under the financial aid to do list? Call them directly. There are no financial aid officers monitoring this forum.

Thank you, @“Dean J”. I did speak to them, and they asked us to fax the forms for Twin# 2.