<p>^ Sarcasm or gross generalization?</p>
<p>Hi-Power has been making a lot of random, weird comments on different threads, so I'd say sarcasm. Either way, inconsequential.</p>
<p>I agree that the lacrosse situation was bizarre but that shouldn't be a determining factor in one's decision to attend...and as far as the Duke versus Ivies thing - I suppose the best thing to do is wait till Thursday and then start revisiting schools.</p>
<p>^Yep. 4 days!!!!</p>
<p>Neither, duke25. I wasn't referring to the student body, so it's not a generalization. Duke opened itself up to a huge lawsuit for it's actions during an alleged rape case which probably never happened. They didn't give a damn about the students being accused. All Duke wanted to do was cover it's own ass.</p>
<p>I don't respect a school that does that.</p>
<p>The OP has said it's not an issue to him so let's not make it one in this thread.</p>
<p>Hi-Power, please send me a message and explain exactly who you're referring to when you use the term 'Duke.' I'm Duke, a lot of posters on here are Duke, plenty of students and professors and administrators alike who kept cool heads for the past year are Duke.</p>
<p>Sorry about posting again on this thread. Just I beg you all to realize that we are a great community who overwhelmingly kept cool heads throughout this fiasco. Unfortunately, media perception isn't the greatest indicator. I apologize if it sounds here like I am hypocritically not keeping a cool head. I just wanted to offer my student opinion on what has transpired. Perspective students, please send me a message if you have questions or want me to clarify my opinion.</p>
<p>Sorry MC and the OP about using your thread. This will be my last tangent here.</p>
<p>I'm sort of wavering between Duke and Dartmouth too (received likelies to both). If I get into Princeton, I would choose it over both. If I get into some other schools, it would be a tough decision, but between Duke and Dartmouth, probably Duke. I don't know if I could handle people here in Texas asking "wait, what? Dartmouth? Where's that?" for 4+ years.</p>
<p>No way Duke has better undergrad resources than Dartmouth. Totally flat out incorrect. Dartmouth is always a top 7 feeder into grad schools and has more elite recruiters show up than any school except Harvard, MIT, and Yale (tied with Princeton and Stanford). Dartmouth gives out scores of undergrad grants, has a higher per student endowment than Duke, and has the best study abroad program in the country. Also there are no TAs in all social science and liberal arts courses. If you want to go to a top grad school or work at the top of business Dartmouth is probably the best Ivy outside of HYP. </p>
<p>I am a big Duke fan but I'm disputing unsubstantiated opinions. In no way is Duke better than Dartmouth academically. Totally wrong. My advice? Visit both for admitted students weekend. You're one of the lucky few who got into two of the best schools in the country, choose for fit!!</p>
<p>Dartmouth isn't that good for buisness. If I was going to go into buisness, I would choose MIT, Stanford, Penn (Wharton for sure), Columbia, and Duke over Dartmouth. </p>
<p>Dartmouth doesn't have the connections like these schools. While Duke doesn't have great connections in NYC (only decent), they have great connections with Charlotte banks.</p>
<p>Actually their connection to NYC banks is top notch. Check out their career fair attendees for a list of places that recruit there (included all the top ibanks, consulting firms etc). I personally know of quite a few people here in NYC from Duke who are in banking. They have all noted that Duke has a steller network in the city. </p>
<p>Hmm looks like the 2007 list is fully complete. I know one of the firms that attended the fair but isn't listed on there. The 2006 seems more complete: <a href="http://career.studentaffairs.duke.edu/undergrad/find_job/career_programs/career_fair/cforgs.html%5B/url%5D">http://career.studentaffairs.duke.edu/undergrad/find_job/career_programs/career_fair/cforgs.html</a></p>
<p>Point is: Top notch school with a solid network.</p>
<p>OSU that's totally wrong. 5/7 of the elite banks and 4/5 of the top consulting firms recruit at Dartmouth. Dartmouth is one of the most powerful Ivies in business, it has a tremendous alumni track record of success. Not sure where you're getting your info...</p>
<p>You're right, no ivy is bad for buisness and i should have chosen my words more carefully. But if you look at the Bracket Bulge firms, and the number of analysts they hire,</p>
<p>Harvard, Yale, Pton, and Penn (Wharton) are way out ahead. Then you have MIT (Sloan), Stanford close behind followed by Duke/Dartmouth/Columbia/Ross (UMich)/Northwestern/NYU (Stern). Obviously there are some other schools in this tier as well. </p>
<p>The elite banks pretty much visit all of the ivies and all of the ivies have excellent alumni networks (obviously cornell and brown are a little different). It comes down to personal choice. But as far as buisness is concerned, Penn/Harvard/Yale/Pton are out in front (in terms of number of analysts hired) and it isnt close. I dont go to one of those schools and I'm not biased. I didn't want to go to one of those schools either. Because once you reach a level where a recruiter visits your school, then it doesn't really matter. Once you get an interview, you have to sell yourself.</p>
<p>Forgot to add: Slipper I know you are involved in buisness, did you go to Dartmouth? I was just wondering, thanks!</p>
<p>Hi OSU,</p>
<p>I 100% agree with your post. I did go to Dartmouth and got an MBA as well.</p>
<p>I'm interested in business and I'd pick Dartmouth over Duke as well. I'd probably pick Duke over Brown (I still stand by my opinion that Duke is a better school than Brown), though I agree with OSU that H/Y/P/Wharton seem to be the strongest by far. Wharton's my top choice at the moment, and then I'd go to HYP over Duke, Dartmouth or wherever else if I got in.</p>
<p>Remember that even if a school has a strong department, it doesn't matter if you don't have as much access to it, opportunities within it, or attention from it.</p>
<p>Dartmouth over Duke is a no brainer. Dartmouth has been a top school forever while Duke's rise has been the last 25 years.</p>
<p>In and of itself, I don't see why that's a factor. I suspect Dartmouth was also good long before MIT, Stanford, and Penn were.</p>
Dartmouth over Duke is a no brainer. Dartmouth has been a top school forever while Duke's rise has been the last 25 years.
Mmhmm. Harvard has been a top school "forever," while Stanford's rise has been more recent. Is that a no-brainer? Harvard is a child compared to Oxford. Is that a no-brainer? Duke was #7 and Dartmouth #6 as early as 1988. Besides, I wouldn't rely on early reputations too much if I were you...especially considering Illinois and Michigan had better peer assessments than Dartmouth 25 years ago. </p>
<p>Let's try to stay in the here and now, please.</p>