<p>So I guess undergraduate ranking comes out in "Middle of August."</p>
<p>joe! you are going to have a fun semester!!!! lol</p>
<p>Oh yeah, it's going to be spectacular. I've been going through exercises a couple times a week in my quantum mechanics textbooks since my last final last semester. My choice to start a very late physics second major and take almost no engineering classes my freshman year means that I pay the piper now, but after next semester it should be more reasonable.</p>
<p>ha.. ha.. yea i am really interested in physics (probably more so than ECE as a subject) .. I just wish there was more time to take it. If I had 6 years i would major in.. uh... ece cs econ physics math and... and... english</p>
<p>ok maybe not english, but the rest - sure.</p>
<p>As for US News.. if you want Duke to get ahead of Penn.. just rank Wharton separately from everything else. :D. It would be hard to beat Wharton.. but Duke surely would get ahead of the other schools, lol</p>
<p>... or you could omit all of the students who eventually become Duke's economics majors or premeds, and watch Duke's rankings drop.</p>
<p>Last Semester I took</p>
<p>1 MATH 131 Elem Differential Equat
2 BME 100 Modeling Cellular and Molecular Systems
3 MGRECON 137 Philosophy of Economics
4 MATH 135 Probability
5 ECE 54 Signals and Systems
6 ME 165 Special Topics</p>
<p>I also ran for Duke Student Government president and did a few other things. Is it possible? Yes. Did it hurt my GPA? Yes. Would I do it again? No.</p>
<p>Also, I had not taken a hidden prerequisite for BME100 (Chem 22L), which is too bad.</p>
<p>Find out more about me: <a href="http://www.duiki.com/wiki/User:DuikiSysop%5B/url%5D">http://www.duiki.com/wiki/User:DuikiSysop</a></p>
<p>Wow, Kritarch, you have done A LOT of impressive things. Gives me something to aim for :)</p>
<p>just realized that this fall is probably going to be horrible:</p>
<p>ECE 154 - embedded systems
ECE 156 - network architecture
ECE 271 - electromagnetic theory
CompSci 196 - computational economics
Econ 168 - asset pricing and risk management</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure I saw the light on in Dr. G's office at 2am on a SAturday morning once. That's dedication.</p>
<p>6 classes man...wow</p>
<p>I can attest to kritarch's meanderings through...sanity...during that semester :)</p>
<p>Plus - for atrabilious - as has been said so often about me, it's entirely possible that the lights were on but no one was home.</p>
<p>ha ha (10 char)</p>
<p>that is possible, but i would not be taken aback if it were true</p>
<p>bsbllallstr8: Nice, that sounds like a really fun semester. I really want to take ECE 154, but I want to take it in a lighter semester so I can really put extra effort into having fun with it. Tell me how 271 goes - I'd hate to take it and specialize in E&M for ECE just to find that its really similar to PHYS 182 (which is substituting for ECE53L in my schedule).</p>
<p>I have seen Dr. G online spectacularly late before - I have no doubt there are often days when he's up working later than I am.</p>
<p>If I had the mental capacity, time, and dedication, I would totally take the credit limit of classes every semester. As it stands, graduate school is a strong attraction in part because I can keep taking random intro classes in other subjects at the undergrad level while doing whatever else I want at the grad level. I remember running into some hard science grad student in one of my intro polisci classes who just felt like taking it for the sake of learning more. Hell yeah.</p>
<p>we will probably be doing the same work, Joe.</p>
<p>182: Electrostatic fields and potentials, boundary value problems, magnetic induction, energy in electromagnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, introduction to electromagnetic radiation.</p>
<p>271: The classical theory of Maxwell's equations; electrostatics, magnetostatics, boundary value problems including numerical solutions, currents and their interactions, and force and energy relations.</p>
<p>sounds like the same stuff to me... haha as a second thought, i obviously know who you are but do you know who i am?</p>
<p>I think we've had this discussion before and I did know who you were, but I've since forgotten. Drop me an email or something of the sort?</p>
<p>checka de facebook.</p>
<p>bsbllallstr8 - you know "Joe Meyerowitz" isn't actually Joe Meyerowitz, right?</p>
<p>mmm i guess by that logic you arent actually "DukeEgr93"</p>
<p>what are you then? UncTarHole95?</p>