To get a 1??

<li>How can you get a 1 on the ap bio exam? Im just wondering...</li>
<li>and any study books that will help bc im taking it next year??</li>

<li>Simple by not reading any of the material before hand and essentially blindly guessing at the questions or brain fart during the exam. I think you need like a 35% to get a 2.</li>
<li>I found that Barrons AP Review books are really good if you have to review for the exam while princeton review is better if you are self studying.</li>

<p>okay lol thanks! wow 35%…so basically 0 on the essays??
Barrons? are those practice tests more helpful than Princeton?</p>

<p>The AP exams are designed to be much, much harder than any high school exam you will ever take. You need something like 66% on chemistry to get a 5. But even then, it’s difficult, because there is so much to know. The curve is intentionally much bigger than most people are accustomed to.</p>

<p>Yeah. If they expected people to score “As” on them (90%), <3% would get 5s, haha.</p>

<p>Or, you’d probaby get a 1 if you sleep through the open-ended section and heavily bs the multiple-choice without studying…</p>

<p>Anyways, CliffNotes is really great. I did really well on the exam after studying with it–even though I basically learned nothing in class the month prior to taking the exam (oh the irony).</p>

<p>Leave your MC and FRQ blank…</p>