To loft or not to loft?

<p>What’s the real skinny on bed lofts. Is it absolutely necessary in the honors dorms? </p>

<p>If we go with a bed loft, is it already lofted when we get there, or do we have to put it together?</p>

<p>It depends on which dorm he is in. Is he in RCS? If so, the bed lofts easily and the lofting ins’t separate. It is just a matter of selecting the desired height and using a rubber hammer to dislodge the frame from the slots.</p>

<p>In some of the other Honors dorms you have to request (rent?) the lofting system. They don’t loft as high as the beds in Ridgecrest buildings. I’m guessing they would already be set up in your room, but I don’t have experience with that.</p>

<p>We like the option of lofting because it adds a tremendous amount of space to the room by doing so.</p>

<p>It depends on what you mean by lofting your bed.</p>

<p>The honors beds are already designed to be lofted to a height that fits the desk-height dresser underneath. No tools are required, you just move the mattress holder up onto the higher rungs. </p>

<p>Many kids loft their beds to that height to fit dresser and a few other things (like a small fridge) underneath. </p>

<p>However, if you’re talking about lofting higher than that, then special equipment is needed…and I think there is a company that does that at Bama for a charge.</p>

<p>If you follow this link and select his dorm you’ll find the varying loft heights between the dorms.</p>

<p>Just click on “room details” once you select his dorm.</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>All of the bed heights are not the same from building to building. Those with the lower lofting heights are able to rent the additional lofting through the UA.</p>

<p>RCS beds can loft all the way up (max height) without any special equipment. Don’t worry, no one will hit their head on the ceiling, the ceilings are really high.
However: Warning: the bed at Maximum height is really high and unless you are very tall you may have difficulty climbing up without a step ladder and there are no side rails so beware falls. This has and does happen!!</p>

<p>"Is it absolutely necessary in the honors dorms? " No, it isn’t necessary at all. Son had his bed high enough to store luggage and some empty, nested containers under and he still had plenty of space in his room at RCS.</p>

<p>“If we go with a bed loft, is it already lofted when we get there, or do we have to put it together?” As I recall from last year, you could submit a request and someone would come in and loft your bed for you, but our son did it himself because we had a hammer to help loosen some of the more stuborn brackets on the bed.</p>

<p>To loft, or not to loft: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the thin air and steep climb of outrageous heights, Or to take arms against a sea of unnecessary possessions, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end the heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks that this beguiling dilemma is heir to …</p>

<p>Rolleth from Munich, y’all.</p>

<p>Mal-It’s Friday. That’s too much for my tired mind to process :wink:
p.s. Try again next week</p>

<p>good lord, bob! : )</p>

<p>Depending on your student’s height, agility and the desired loft of the bed, you may want to consider a sturdy stepladder/stool. The chair that comes with the room has an ability to tilt back. Just sayin’…</p>

<p>^^ Oh yeah, I got a surprise the first time I sat on that chair at BB. I thought I was going to tip right over!</p>

<p>My son’s request for purchase when we get to alabama is a good desk chair. He doesn’t think he can sit for more than 15 minutes in the provided chair. I’m thinking I should add step stool. </p>

<p>Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>The chair is actually quite comfortable but a step ladder for the lofted bed could be helpful unless you are very tall.</p>

<p>I think Malanai fell off a lofted bed and woke up as Shakespeare. Maybe I can get him to write a few of my papers for my upcoming Lit class :-)</p>

<p>^^^This is a true story. When I was an undergrad at Cal, there was a company that openly wrote papers for students for a fee. They were eventually banished, but at least they were honest in their name: Quality Bull****.</p>

<p>As the others have mentioned, the beds can be raised/lowered in many of the dorms, though the maximum height varies. </p>

<p>As for deciding to loft, it is up to the individual. I don’t loft my bed but know many people who do.</p>

<p>Prost/Cheers/Rolleth/Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Malanai, thank you for the laugh, that was great! You are in Munich? From Hawaii? Business?</p>

<p>^^^Pleasure. Family vacation, courtesy of son’s NMF scholarship. Thank you, UA. :)</p>

<p>And thanks for the kind words.</p>

<p>Is there any way I can get a normal bed in RCS? the loftable one is too high even when it’s on the lowest peg.</p>

<p>^^^Call housing, explain the situation (fear of heights?) and see if they can swap out the bed. Of course, they need to bring the bed back for the next student, but they must have extras (in case of breakage… etc.).</p>