To RD Applicants, class of 2019--Do you have

<p>To RD applicants, class of 2019, do you have a "Residence Life Information Form Spring 2015" in your admissions menu, and also, if you click into BannerWeb, a "Pay My Bill" option? These things just popped up for my daughter and I'm wondering if it means anything.</p>

<p>(The Pay My Bill thing says a 0 balance so I don’t think it means anything? Or is it a sign?)</p>

i do, but i think its been there from the start. do you have under financial aid that award cannot be accessed as its under review?


since that residence life form is due in jan, before i or your daughter might be accepted, do we fill it out now or wait? is it just for other years?


I don’t know! I’m thinking it’s a glitch that all Smithies see. They would have told us if we need to do something with it.

The residence life form appears to be for spring transfers and other students changing dorms/moving to campus. It showed up on the portal today, along with the pay my bill link, but I don’t think it means anything (I’d love for it to be a sign, though!).

Hi. I was an ED1 applicant to SMith for the fall of 2015 and I got in. The form that you see is for the Spring Transfers for 2015. The Pay My Bill link as well. It’s been there for a while. :slight_smile:

@staycalmandcool‌ do you remember if the pay my bill link was always there?

i applied rd to both oberlin and smith, and they use the same kind of application portal. i did apply for financial aid and neither school is need blind.

for smith under award, its says currently under review.

for oberlin, in presto, it says no award info is available at this time.

is this a bad sign for oberlin (and a good sign for smith)?

I guess I would ask on the Oberlin board if everyone has the same thing? It’s probably a college setting.

does everyone have the house choice form in bannerweb? (if you click on it, it says only undergraduate students can pick a house)

also, does everyone who applied for financial aid- does it say your award for 2015-2016 is under review?

just curious.

decisions uploaded March 27th. good luck everybody!!!

I’m a transfer applicant, but yes, I have both of those things on my bannerweb. I’m quite sure everyone does.